Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Planting Seeds

Today, right now, as i sit here in the floor receiving sunlight as i finish up my warm breakfast, i feel my mind all over the place.  It's not a feeling of being lost or scattered--it's more of sensing myself, experiencing myself full of ideas and things i want to say.
It's hard getting started, and it's hard battling against the urge to try to get everything out and in a good manner.  See, but that's a mind trick.  It's setting up expectations and living in the future, as opposed to the "now".
So.  Let me breathe in deeply, appreciate this moment, and exhale to feel present and just carry on without the angst of a result.

It's still hard to begin, for what i want to share and write about has great deep meaning to me. It's about education, it's about art, it's about mindfulness, respect, beauty, anger, change.
All of a sudden, as i listed all those concepts, ideas, feelings..words really...i travelled back in time when I was in third grade maybe? and they taught me about brainstorming.  Just write down words, write down what comes to mind and then you'll find the connection.  The link is there, but first just write, write, write.

I've put those words down because there IS a connection between all that--of course-- but the link i make is according to my experience(s) and what i am living and practicing towards.  I agree with what Pennie Pierce, the author Frequency, states: we are going through a big change.  A profound change of frequency.  Old paradigms are proving to be not adequate and accurate to our times, there are huge questions and issues to be addressed, and we can no longer stand ignorant and neutral to such events. At least i can't.

In order for true change, we must evaluate ourselves, be honest, apply effort and discipline..but fundamentally it must come from within.  From inside ourselves and true desire, conviction and devotion of change.  That will then lead to a change in others, and the chain will grow and grow and grow.  Its quite beautiful.
A change of era, a change of frequency.

I'm torn at the moment.  A dear friend of mine just sent me an unbelievable most outstanding beautiful link to a movement/project that is taking place which touches upon all of the ideas that have been brewing and growing inside me.  I will have the link at the bottom of this post, it's only 4 minutes long and i encourage (whoever is reading) to please click play.
As I saw this i just thought: "wow! i'm not alone. wow! this is beautiful. wow! true change is happening. wow! I must share this."
Then immediately i couldn't help but feel a little pain in my heart. As though i had a thorn in the middle of my sternum, creating a little pressure in my heart--producing a bit of anguish, sadness and anger.  All this comes from an embarrassing and incredibly ugly manifestation of what we can do to each other.  Actions of violence, lack of respect, hate and unhappiness.  I mention unhappiness because clearly the people that "performed" these actions are as far removed from life, love, gratitude, and happiness as i can think of.

It's not necessarily compassion, for i truly believe that what they have done is unacceptable and ultimately wrong. Also, it is not enough to just say they are wrong, acknowledge that they are unacceptable, it is necessary to take action and not allow this to happen.

I'm talking about a group of adolescent Chilean (embarrassing) men--for they are no longer children-- who brutally hit and abused another young homosexual man, due to his homosexuality. They damaged him to death. They damaged his family, his friends, the Chilean community and the world.

**in honor of you, Daniel Zamudio**

As i said, action must take place. How, right? There are people that just by the thought of this are taken back and feel somewhat lost about what to do.  Simple things sometimes have a huge impact.  Let this be a lesson. Talk about it, share what is happening, let this not stand un-attended.
Then, simple: look in towards yourself.  Look at your life, YOUR actions, your actions of violence.  What do you find?
I do that.  I practice Ahimsa (non-violence), practice hard, with effort to be mindful of how my actions impact me and others. It's really a beautiful practice. What words do i use? How do i treat myself? How do i treat others? What thoughts do i have? When are you being violent?
We are not all going out there hitting, murdering people (thank the Lord!), but we can be quite violent sometimes.  What message are we passing along to our children? To our future children? What world are we building?
Little itty bitty actions--that commence within yourself-- are huge!
Like an ant, tiny but so strong...
Let us be a world community, and let us build a world governed by what life has to offer: beauty, happiness, love.



1 comment:

  1. Muy hermoso, profundo e importante lo que transmites en tu mensaje de hoy. Invita a la reflexión, que tanto falta en este mundo...
    Un beso. VD
