Friday, March 23, 2012


Navy Girls
Yesterday my darling friend Jimena (mi gran amiga compatriota) and I went out on a little adventure. 1:30pm, meeting on the feet of Christopher Columbus  in Columbus Circle we discovered we were wearing practically the same shirt! Navy girls in action!

The sky was blue, the sun was shining and people just seem to give off smiles, laughter and energy. That's what spring does, right? Fill our world with life, flowers and colors.
Our adventure, this week plotted by moi: la femme Sophie, was to take the 1 train down to south end of la isla bonita, hop on the Ferry to navigate off the city of New York and into Staten Island. 
What's in Staten Island? 
Really? I don't know. 
I researched a little bit and apparently there is a zoo, some historical "museums"(?) and I think some restaurants. I mean, people live there! and commute every day into NYC. However, today, I have to honestly say I still don't know what's in Staten Island. 
We were there, yes, but our visit did not precisely take the shape of a "touristy-let's explore the island" kinda trip.
We talked.
We talked.
We talked.
And we talked some more.
We got off the Ferry, breathed the air (which was chilly) and looked back towards Manhattan. The city of buildings. You could feel the rapid flow of energy, like a motor running at full speed, somewhat hysterical. 
Talked some more.
Sat on a bench on the terrace.
A couple to our right was involved in some serious manifestation of love, that included hardworking flexible tongues--just to illustrate the scenario with more detail. Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately?, no interaction was ever established between us (talkative navy ladies) and the lovers. However, in our own worlds, we were united in a larger scale sharing the action of tongue, lips and mouth exercising! 
Us talking
Them smooching.
Jime, did you notice them?

Ok. I drifted off on a tangent. 
Our adventure as simple, "non-eventful" and casual as it might seem was profound, meaningful and full of truth. We shared moments that i'll keep with me for life.  It left a trace in my soul, which i believe living is all about: dejar huellas (leave traces).  Tales to tell your grandchildren, build history. 

It's important to surround ourselves with people that matter--which is not everyone we encounter or meet.  We have to be truthful with who and what we relate to.  We have to be in sync with truth with what truly really matters to us and not feel guilty about it.  So it's not about being "neutral" or incarnate an idea of Mother Teresa, it's about being truthful to our nature and in control of where we are and where we are going. 

Can't wait for next week's adventure...where i'll be in the hands of my amiga...

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