Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hoy Ahora Now Atha

Celebrar el "ahora".  Atha, now in sanskrit, also an auspicious beginning.

And when i sit down to think about it, I just get hit by thousands of reasons of why and how to celebrate the now, the marvelous day of today.  

Granted, today is quite a special day: Luna! Full Moon everyone! Día de la mujer! One of the most beautiful creatures that i've met was born today, my friend Carina.  
But those are extras to what makes the day special, sacred and beautiful.  Just going back to basics, isn't it sort of divine to think, realize and know that nature works with such wisdom and precision that allows us to have daylight, night, air, winds, water, life?  

So i've been going out on walks for the past few weeks and there isn't one single day that i haven't been surprised about some kind of action by nature.  The way the trees and bushes are getting ready to bloom--actually stopping and contemplating the energy running through those trees veins preparing for a beautiful green leaf or a flower.  Yesterday as i walked by Central Park's reservoir i saw a group of ducks, all lined up perfectly in a triangle (why? ni idea!) all floating curling and resting their necks towards their know? just floating...maybe feeling the motion of the water in their lower limbs. 

We are a part of nature. Little discoveries like that--or just taking the time to appreciate the simplicity but complex (i know, i'm contradicting myself here, but you get the point) action of nature is inspiring and, makes me feel alive and fill my lungs, blood, soul, mind with contentment.  And you know? that feeling of contentment then leads to actions of good, to good deeds.  

(It's all about frequencies, again!)

Yes. I want good.  I like good. Just follow the chain and i guess it will eventually lead to love. Love thyself, love others, love the world, the world will love you.  It does work that way.  I have this whole idea on the beautiful yogic term "ahimsa" (non-violence) but i'll get to that some other time. 

I invite you, for in a few minutes i'm inviting myself, to go out TODAY AHORA NOW (well, now doesn't have to be immediately, but today) to do something that will engage you with nature. Mother nature.  Mother of all mother's, woman of all women.  
"Ah! I have no time for that?!" --- really? just sit down for a while, close your eyes and breathe deeply taking in and taking out what is being provided to you.  

Go out on a walk-- mis padres son unos expertos y estoy segura que les alimenta el alma más que sentarse frente a la televisión.  It will feed you more than the TV.

Stop and look at a flower, or if you're lucky, a stream, a bird, your dog! your cat!

Hug someone you love and feel the gratitude of life and nature. 

I am thankful. 


So...sorry, not over yet! Here's an AMAZING video.  CLICK PLAY!  Please take a few minutes to watch and you'll honor what is around us, what we have, what we are.  

1 comment:

  1. Of course! Forgot the suggestion:

    Tonight, look at the moon!!!
    Feliz Luna everybody!
