Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Dog's Life

Ahhh, a dog's life! 
How many times have i heard that, thought that or even said it myself as i see a completely relaxed doggie creature, completely relaxed bathing in sunshine? 

They know what it's all about! 
Praise resting!
Praise sunshine!
Praise relaxing!
Praise being slow!

It's something i need to remind myself--sometimes even force myself--constantly. See, i'm a do-er..or i've been stuck in that pattern for years now.  Do, do, do...produce, produce, produce.  FEEL LIKE WHAT YOUR DOING IS IMPORTANT.  If it requires effort, stress, even pain...GOOD! it means it's worth it. 

Makes total sense...
(**there is sarcasm in these lines, just in case**)

Let's not steal from ourselves anymore. Let's not be voracious, hungry, glutinous beings.  What's up with all this everlasting, endless, bottomless, insatiable "having" and "doing" and "should"? 
Let's practice non-stealing and gratitude.  Gratitude of, and with, what we have. It's enough!

Astēya: non-stealing.  One of the practices when dealing with our environment. Our relationship with others. Not taking what is not ours, not taking more than what we need, and...important, not stealing from ourselves. 

It's an interesting, profound approach once you start digging in the layers of what this entails. 
We sometimes feel the urge, the need (uh oh! even more dangerous) to consume, buy, feel the void somehow. 
Next time you feel that impulse, really take a minute and reflect: is "that" what i need? what would it be like if i had "it"? what if i didn't? 

**Sometimes --please do not laugh, it's no joke-- going out for a walk is the remedy.  Or grabbing a book, or  chanting/singing. 

Think (I have been doing so, and it's quite astounding what i've found): 
Are you robbing yourself of affection? 
What about care? Are you robbing yourself of the possibility of love? 
Are you stealing away from your own potential--your greatness-- due to fear? 
or Anger? 

Let's us not feel guilty about pleasure anymore! Let us all have a little doggie inside and lie down, relax our muscles & organs, stick out our tongues and enjoy the rays of sun!

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