Friday, June 30, 2017


I stole this title from a being of light.  She's an amazing yoga teacher, dancer, player. That's how she titles her work: "PerMISSION to PLAY". 

I want to play.
I've always wanted to play. 

                 Hide and seek.
                                  Jumping rope.

                In front of a mirror, a singer.
                             In front of an invisible audience, a dancer.
                                  On my parents bed, a gymnast. 

The wonders of creativity,
The wonders of my world,
The wonders of the world. 

When did we become too old, 
too serious,
too responsible,
to play? 

When did we get polluted with embarrassment? 
Too shy to dance,
Too insecure to sing,
or even laugh out loud? 

Our wonders. 
Our curves, our secret corners. 
Our light. 

Play is freedom,
Let's play and explore, discover!
Through our body runs veins of blood,
and veins of endless curiosity. 

Break the walls of protection,
you are safe. 
We are safe. 

Burst open to new lands,
climb new mountains,
dig my feet in new earth,
sprint, run, and fly... 
I plunge through new doors,
new eyes,
new tears,
of laughter, sadness, pain, excitement, pleasure, passion. 

Walk out on the rain,
Step on big puddles.
Turn up the music,
Dance freely as you cook. 
Walk towards that someone,
Hug them to the bone,

Wrestle in bed,
Bite a little,
Play, play, play...

Monday, June 5, 2017

A Night

The night measured by the number of stars that twinkle, burst, and explode.
The day calculated by the number of waves that lick the shore for love.

A night.
A day.
Sometimes that is all we get.

An endless night (or so I hope) begins when I feel my face come close to yours,
locking in a sweet soft kiss.
Your smell,
Your eyes,

A night of sounds: crackling wood on fire.
So warm,
So tender,

A night of words,
Spoken softly on each others ears.
The truth unveils desires, dreams, hidden thoughts, secrets.
So explosive,
So vivid,

A night of smiles,
The kind that needs no mouth or lips.
A smile in a hand, in a touch, in a gaze.
A tear,
A moan,

A night that fades,
we fade.
We breathe, we fly, we dream.
I look, you look.
Your eyes.
The day.