Monday, June 5, 2017

A Night

The night measured by the number of stars that twinkle, burst, and explode.
The day calculated by the number of waves that lick the shore for love.

A night.
A day.
Sometimes that is all we get.

An endless night (or so I hope) begins when I feel my face come close to yours,
locking in a sweet soft kiss.
Your smell,
Your eyes,

A night of sounds: crackling wood on fire.
So warm,
So tender,

A night of words,
Spoken softly on each others ears.
The truth unveils desires, dreams, hidden thoughts, secrets.
So explosive,
So vivid,

A night of smiles,
The kind that needs no mouth or lips.
A smile in a hand, in a touch, in a gaze.
A tear,
A moan,

A night that fades,
we fade.
We breathe, we fly, we dream.
I look, you look.
Your eyes.
The day.

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