Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What We've Got

What You've Got

How easy is to want more.
How easy is to think we need more.
How easy is to feel we need more.

Maybe I should flip it around, end it with a question mark, and say:
How hard is it not want more?
How hard is it to settle, and cherish what we have?
How hard is to own contentment and consider that  what we hold is enough?


We belong to a world where obtaining has become a synonym of success, equivalent of self-worth, and what's most scary, the means & the measurement of happiness.

I shall not focus my energies, my intentions or point out my finger on what I don't agree with. Nor shall I send out, tune-in on a frequency that I consider low, low, low 
      ***(please, if you know me personally, imagine me articulating these words in my lowest vocal range possible)***

On the contrary! There is so much beauty to admire, so much goodness happening around and beyond me--simple, creative, soul-filling actions. 
Breathe in the light, breathe out the love. 
Spread contentment.
Withhold the thought and feeling of "enough". 
Somehow I genuinely believe that through positivity, through new paradigms, changes will occur. 
Shift and break a system ruled by dollars,
the mental automatic programming of a neverending-ongoing-unstoppable race towards acquiring.

"have no fear of depths, but great fear of shallow living."

Love & Light,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So I haven't been updating my blog entries, or I should accurately say, I haven't sat down (with time and disposition) in front of my computer to write out what's been going on.
I could've just typed out:
Fía is living.

For that is what's been happening. 
Nothing extraordinary.
Nothing dramatic.
Nothing extreme.
Yet all wonderful, truthful, one-of-a-kind.
That last word deserves its own line.

At one point I considered it and defined it as "shredding skin"-- quite the serpent slithering around to leave behind a part of itself, facing the universe with a special cleanliness.
However now, as I listen to my heart, open my mind and learn from what life is offering me, I would say it's more like a caterpillar breaking free from its cocoon, becoming the same-yet-different creature of a butterfly.

       "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly"

See, the butterfly comes from the caterpillar. Without it, it never would've become the beautiful two-winged being. 
Without going through the life of a caterpillar, crawled across the ground: how would've it been able to be who and where it is now, flying conquering the sky?
Not only that, but the time spent in the cocoon, it's hibernating period is absolutely essential. Sometimes not acknowledged, sometimes not valued. 

I dedicate these words, this time, this cyber space to that magical moment. A being encapsulated in a bubble of life. What seems to be absent, isolated, immobile, is in fact a great participant of life, full of energy, working with immense movement!

I dedicate these words to the cocoon. A womb where soon a new being, full of history and potential will arise.
I dedicate these words to the cocoon. For I am now living and breathing in my own metaphorical cocoon. 
Alone, yet still a part of-- needing time, needing space.

I dedicate these words to the cocoon. Swimming in the liquid of life, buoyancy, floating and learning to let go. Nothing to rush, it will all take it's course at the right time.  Surrender to the wisdom of life.

I dedicate these words to the cocoon, my cocoon.
Fía is living...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What You Do With What You've Got

Heat wave.
Crazy days that feel like September--September being spring, sun beaming, inviting parks, eating outdoors.  
And yet it's July.  Mid-winter. 
I'm not complaining, just perceiving.
The weather report announces temperature drops for the following days, perhaps slight chance of showers. 
That's weather talk for today. 

I'm such a creature that is so immensely affected by my surroundings. 
Too sensitive? Perhaps.  
A bad thing? Not necessarily (although--and i'm placing this in parenthesis-- i sometimes DO consider it so). 

I notice the weather, i write about the weather, i speak about the weather, because it does affect me. 
Note to reader: i do not hide under my sheets when the day is dark, gloomy and rainy, just as i am not necessarily in ecstasy when the sun is shining.  
**But oh, what a happy lizard i am as i feel the warm yellow rays on my feet or back! 

I am sensitive...beyond the daily manifestation of the sky...i'm sensitive to energies, words and actions. 
As i said, maybe too much. 
It is my mission to live with it, live in it..and stop criticizing. Because i do it.  All the time. 
"why am i...(fill in the blank)"
"why do i feel...(fill in the blank)"
"if only i was...(fill in the blank)"

All this over-analyzing, over-evaluating, over-judging,
All this hyper-mental-activity, the on-going, never-stopping, ever-lasting busyness,
hustle and bustle, toing and froing, coming and going...
where to?
what for?
but i guess i should really ask:

My mind is set towards the road of ease, flat-lining, relaxing and anxiety-dropping. 
The road is oh-so-not-easy! Habits have been engraved for years.
My desires, my wishes, my well-being has long been postponed...
I look forward toward this new grassy-field.  Let me close my eyes and picture it so:
Extensive grounds of green.  Long, thick, fresh grass on which to walk barefoot. 
A breeze that blows with and through me, uplifting. 
Twinkling colors.
An easy pace, for nothing rushes me, nothing holds me back. 

I describe all this, and depict it in "poetry", but I open my eyes and cherish what i have, what i've got and work with it. 
This is a new road to start walking upon.  
Having a voice, holding it proudly, uniquely and with care. 

Eddi Reader-- What You Do With What You've Got.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Whitish sun lighting up the city.  The same sun that lights up all kinds of corners of the world—with different intensity, illuminating a myriad of shades and colors, a variety of skies.
Today I’m honoring peace.
Peace. Tranquility. Calmness. Restfulness. Quietness. Ease.
Even sometimes associated and defined as Order, Lawfulness, Harmony.

What would this world be without peace?
What would life be without it?
Could such thing even occur?

These are big questions, yes.  But lets indulge in them for a while.
Life, I personally believe, goes hand in hand with creation.  With a miraculous act of love, willingness and (I like to call it) fire, passion. Something withholds a particular desire to manifest itself, a reason to be, a dharma.  All conditions, external and internal, work together, collaborate to allow this divine happening.
It’s full participation, it’s fraternity, piece by piece, synching together to create.

Peace plays an important role.  How could any of this occur without it? Everything, everyone is here thanks to peace.  Peace, harmony is what binds us together, the knitting.  Our organs work in peace to make our blood run through our veins, let air fill our lungs, allow our hearts to pump, our eyelids to blink, our senses to perceive and our beings to feel.

I believe in opposition.  I acknowledge the existence of contrasting forces, two sides to a coin.  We know about life because we know there is death.  We know about harmony because there is dissonance. We know about love because we know about hate, enmity. 
We know about peace because we know about hostility. 

Today I call upon all…I call upon all creatures, silently, sincerely, energetically, to tune in to peace.  Whatever, however it resonates to your heart: whichever image, color, shape, form, and most importantly feeling it manifests to you.   

I want to dedicate today, consciously to the beautiful concept of svādhyāya: self-reflection, exploration, inquiry, awareness of/to our actions.  What we do, how we relate to each other, how we treat our surroundings, our feelings, our intentions.
It’s a difficult task, uncomfortable, but a marvelous exercise, challenge.
A little confession: it comes and goes, it’s not easy, I struggle…but we can all struggle together. 
It’s not about judging, remember, it’s about peace.

I honor you today.
I honor peace.
Today, lets begin with today.
Shanti, shanti, shantih.
(peace, peace, peace)

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Today the sun is shining--which unfortunately does not necessarily mean it's a whole lotta' warmer-- winter is filled with colors and peculiar crisp sensation, leaving the horrifying cold gray dull heavy days behind.
We've even had a few cats meow and meow and meow.  At first i thought we were having an intense neighbor-shrieking-baby situation, but no..cats.
It is known that August is the "month of cats" (mes de los gatos).  It's only July, but it gives me a little feeling of hope that August is right around the corner, and there IS a difference between July and August...even more between August-September!  Seeing warmer days ahead.
Oh sun, here we come...closer to you day by day.

Enough weather-talk.
My point to all this is COLORS.
Colors for me is pop.  Pop.
A boiling pot pops--exuding delicious smells.  Picture a popping tomato-basil soup for instance.
Popcorn.  A bag of popping corn.  Bada-boom a little grain into an expanded white puff.  Pop.
A bubble.  Made of soap...floating through the air. Pop. Disappearing into thin air.
A kaleidoscope.  It doesn't really pop, but colors and shapes and patterns pop out to sight.
Ooooo...bubble wrap!  Popping those little translucent round pore-like protuberances.  So much joy after every pop.

In conclusion, pop is lightness, it's a spark, it's wonder, it's almost a magical act.  Surprising, unexpected and fascinating.
It's an act of creation.
Well, this very very very deep reflection of mine--granted, it's saturday afternoon, hence not much should be expected-- i want to share creativity.
i want to share pop.
i don't know how else to describe it.  Viscerally it's pop for me.
It's hysterically fascinating, fun, colorful, creative and artistic.

Have a little pop with me...
Hit play.


**White Knuckles (doggy-love!!)

** This too shall pass (fun!) 
** End Love


Thursday, July 5, 2012


It takes only 4 minutes and 37 minutes.
That is probably how much it takes you to...cut your nails of your right hand? Or left, doesn't really matter.
Or...maybe put on some make up? (if you wear make up)
Or...get you through...2 subways stations?
Or...have an espresso?

So, why not hit play?
I think it's worth it.
No introduction needed.

My aim is to give a voice to the silent people,
to show the hidden lights behind the curtain of the great game.
The small worlds ignored by the media and the prophets of a global conflict.

* How important it truly is to have a voice, to be a voice and share some truth, shine a light. 
Ignorance and comfort does not allow growth, art, love, kindness and basically life.

* I join her voice and encourage whoever (in any kind of way) comes into my journey to be brave, really open their senses, hearts, to live in the "uncomfortable", the "unknown", the "new". 

It is personal, it is small, unpretentious, it is from within, but the voice will find its way. 

* Did Monika ever think that her voice would spark & live inside a young lady in the Southern hemisphere, the country of Chile and the city of Santiago?
What about where you are? 



Wednesday, July 4, 2012



"If we want there to be peace in the world, we have to be brave enough to soften what is rigid in our hearts, to find the soft spot and stay with it. We have to have that kind of courage and take that kind of responsibility.  That's the true practice of peace."
Pema Chödrön- Practicing Peace in Times of War. 

**Global Retreat: Practicing Peace.  This Saturday!  Join me!  
Check it out: 

Today I want to dedicate a little bit of my time and cyber space to these two concepts, ideas and feelings.  
Yes, because I believe we have all thought about/with beauty and peace...and have all felt (with) beauty and peace.  And isn't it simply delicious? Delicious and, not less important, something miraculous happens as well: once you enter the living cycle of beauty and peace you generate more of it and feel immersed in the true desire to share it and create more of it too.
At least it's never happened to me (or i've never met anyone who has confessed me so) that I say: 
"oh, this is rubbish, i want this--whatever expression sensation of beauty & peace-- to stop!" 

I don't think it's fortuitous that I came across the words of Dr. Joe Dispenza (once again) where he stipulates...i'm paraphrasing here...
The body responds to a thought by having a feeling, therefore creating a response in the brain. The brain then undergoes a bodily reaction generating chemical messengers. So in other words, you begin to think the way you are feeling. Thinking creates feeling and then feeling creates thinking, all in a continuos cycle. 
Super cool, eh? 

It could be serendipitous, but it's actually something i've been discussing with my psychiatrist lately, and personally for me it's probably where science meets divinity. 
We are not machines where there is an estimated, calculated, programmed input and output. 
We are not formulas, equations or come with specified set of instructions, a manual. 

We are all unique, we are all powerful, we are all beautiful, full of potential, hold great divinity and responsibility. 

That's Beauty and Peace to you us all today. 


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Happiness!

Why not be happy?
Why not THINK happy? 
Why not FEEL happy? 

it all sounds so simple and straight forward...boiling it down to those terms. 
There are two possibilities: 
   ***Walk the road of well-being, contentment (where containing plays an important role: continuity). 
   *** Walk the road of anger, unease and resentment. 

do you need a minute to think about it? 

It is easier said than done--trust me-- and it's not easy to 1) take a minute to evaluate how we are treating ourselves, 2) be absolutely honest with ourselves and accept hardwired behaviors, and 3) begin to let go, surrender and take over the chariot/steering wheel leaving guilt, animosity and bitterness aside. 

So, let's focus on happiness. 
Let's just start with that.  
Thinking about it...remembering it. 
Remember happy.

I'm not the only one on this frequency.  I could name millions.  
Here is just a couple--take a look!


There is an emerging field of science called psychoneuroimmunology that has demonstrated the connection between the mind and the body. I can describe what I learned in these simplistic terms: Your every thought produces a biochemical reaction in the brain. The brain then releases chemical signals that are transmitted to the body, where they act as the messengers of the thought. The thoughts that produce the chemicals in the brain allow your body to feel exactly the way you were just thinking. So every thought produces a chemical that is matched by a feeling in your body. Essentially, when you think happy, inspiring, or positive thoughts, your brain manufactures chemicals that make you feel joyful, inspired, or uplifted. For example, when you anticipate an experience that is pleasurable, the brain immediately makes a chemical neurotransmitter called dopamine, which turns the brain and body on in anticipation of that experience and causes you to begin to feel excited. If you have hateful, angry, or self depracating thoughts, the brain also produces chemicals called neuropeptides that the body responds to in a comparable way. You feel hateful, angry, or unworthy. You see, your thoughts immediately do 
become matter.
