Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So I haven't been updating my blog entries, or I should accurately say, I haven't sat down (with time and disposition) in front of my computer to write out what's been going on.
I could've just typed out:
Fía is living.

For that is what's been happening. 
Nothing extraordinary.
Nothing dramatic.
Nothing extreme.
Yet all wonderful, truthful, one-of-a-kind.
That last word deserves its own line.

At one point I considered it and defined it as "shredding skin"-- quite the serpent slithering around to leave behind a part of itself, facing the universe with a special cleanliness.
However now, as I listen to my heart, open my mind and learn from what life is offering me, I would say it's more like a caterpillar breaking free from its cocoon, becoming the same-yet-different creature of a butterfly.

       "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly"

See, the butterfly comes from the caterpillar. Without it, it never would've become the beautiful two-winged being. 
Without going through the life of a caterpillar, crawled across the ground: how would've it been able to be who and where it is now, flying conquering the sky?
Not only that, but the time spent in the cocoon, it's hibernating period is absolutely essential. Sometimes not acknowledged, sometimes not valued. 

I dedicate these words, this time, this cyber space to that magical moment. A being encapsulated in a bubble of life. What seems to be absent, isolated, immobile, is in fact a great participant of life, full of energy, working with immense movement!

I dedicate these words to the cocoon. A womb where soon a new being, full of history and potential will arise.
I dedicate these words to the cocoon. For I am now living and breathing in my own metaphorical cocoon. 
Alone, yet still a part of-- needing time, needing space.

I dedicate these words to the cocoon. Swimming in the liquid of life, buoyancy, floating and learning to let go. Nothing to rush, it will all take it's course at the right time.  Surrender to the wisdom of life.

I dedicate these words to the cocoon, my cocoon.
Fía is living...

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