Saturday, March 17, 2012



Que seria de la vida sin arte?
Could life exist without art?  Definitely absolutely not.  To begin with, it's impossible. Just take a look around, at our world, at the way nature works--it's system-- and you'll see that art is right there.  It is essential, it is our root, where we come from.  I believe it to be the source of life.  Life existed through art, the art of life, life is art. Sounds redundant, sounds illogical maybe?

A good friend of mine once said these wise deep words, and it hit me profoundly--as though i had never heard it before, even though i have been studying art, defending art, creating art for years.  It was a beautiful hot sunny summer day in the state of New York and we were heading out of the city to enjoy a day at the beach: Fire Island to be exact.  So we were on our way, leaving the busy noisy city, in a van...on a field trip, just like in a school bus, like children, feeling free and happy.  Several conversations happening simultaneously, laughter, singing, moments of tranquil silences (probably i was a bit quiet looking out the window, being my usual kinda-introvert).  Then, somewhere along the way my friend says: "Art is the best of everything, anything." He gave examples like: the best pencil is art, the best highway is art.  I looked at him, startled and truly gave space and minute to let those words sink in.  Those are powerful words.  So true.

Art is tricky. There is no way to put your finger on it.  There is no formula, no instruction, no measurement.  We've all heard this before.
I'd just like to add to those wise words that art also comes from the intention of the best.  Again, you can't measure it, you can't really discriminate as to what it is/isn't, when it is/isn't.  I believe intention is key.

That brings me back to what yoga's fundamental principle, fundamental goal (Mr. TKV Desikachar says it so directly and wisely): Take you (each individual, with it's own constitution, it's own individuality) to a new better place. To achieve a stillness, focus of mind and sustain it.  That is the practice of yoga.  Practice which entails action.  Action in life (in and out of your mat) in all its areas, aspects and levels.

Now isn't that art?

In fact, how can you then separate art from anything? Art is like the thread that unites the world, unites us all.

I try to live my life through, with, for art.  Following this idea.
I believe it's beautiful.
I believe it's positive.
I believe it's powerful and not idealistic.
I strongly believe it can bring changes, it can be brought to practice, and build new better things.

That is why i'm so profoundly surprised, hurt and insulted when i see our world being robbed from art. Children being denied to access and engage with such a practice: because it is not "useful" or "important". Says who? How so?
What world are we trying to build? (if building is what we need--i'd like to think we should go back to basics and "acknowledge", "thank", "respect" and "protect")

Education is key.
Education of life, our world, our humanity.  Not of tests and numbers and dollars.
Don't you think?

** Here are some videos worth watching, words worth listening, ideas worth sharing (TED!)
(i'm including a trailer of a beautiful documentary)




  1. I was driving that van and it was a sublime fire Island day with a beautiful group of artists talking art and love and friendship all ay on the beach in the sun and sweet salt water air......Yes, art, reaching out, holding the hand of one who needs it, looking outside and breathing deep

    1. Yes! you were our queen bee! It is by far one of my most precious moments i've had here in NYC. Truly special and magical.
