Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So i ran across an incredible unbelievable surprising, and kinda scary article the other day.  I was heading downtown on the A train, decided for some unknown reason to grab an AM New York newspaper that is offered for free every morning.  I usually don't read it, but today--what the heck!-- i took one.

I was finding myself skimming through it, nothing was really catching my attention: i did not want to know about a rapist or some drunk driver or some issue going on with internal state politics.  Then comes the "celebrity" section! Oh! Maybe some cultural article might pop out...wrong!  It was about oooh! Scarlett Johansen or Demi Moore or Jennifer Aniston was spotted in some café in the West Village or in the Lower East Side.  Or was it that some new-mom celebrity had been photographed in Central Park with their kid??? Flip, flip, flip the page.

Anyway, my point for today is NOT to trash the AM New York newspaper.  It exists for a reason, and I respect that.
My point is that BOOM! Something caught my eye.  Unfortunately not in a good way.  At first I kinda laughed.  The kind of laugh where the thought behind it is something like: " have to be kidding me...oh my.."--kinda laugh.
So the news was praising (and i guess that is what made me saddest) this new "invention", or the launch, of this new hot pink CUPCAKE ATM.

Yes. CUPCAKE ATM.  It looks like an ATM machine--except its hot pink-- and it provides "freshly bakes cupcakes" 24 hours, 7 days a week.  Just slip in your debit card, pick your taste and voila! Listo! You've got your beautifully packed cupcake.

It's kind of a joke, really.  I mean, THAT is exactly what people need! Cupcakes, right? At all times! That is what people are spending their time, efforts and money creating, manufacturing. I don't want to sound bitter or too serious, but really?! There are places in the world where blood is being shed for water. Children starving and being abused.  Resources being madly drained out.

But we've got 24/7 cupcakes! That's what the US public needs...

The cupcake situation is just a trivial example, but i think it's almost symbolic.  All of a sudden i felt somewhat like Truman, from The Truman Show, living in this fictitious, barbie doll world. So, yes, the cupcake ATM is an brutal example, just like being absolutely stunned--and repulsed-- as i walked by a Duane Reade (which is originally supposed to be a pharmacy..?) and saw that there was a Sushi Bar, Ice Cream Bar, and a Juice Bar!  Not to mention the already existing "convenient store", cosmetics, house-hold, even a little clothing section..oh, and yes..the usual drug pharmacy is in the back, in the corner.

Ay Dios Mio!

So, I'm criticizing what we are building.  I say "we" because we are all, somehow, connected to this mentality--we are!  And it's not about just trashing it and hating it.  It's good to notice these things (at least).  Not be immune  to our surrounding.  At least I'm pains me a whole lot.

I know that my actions matter.  I like to think that there is some practice to be done about it. Reflecting about it, writing about it--that's a start-- and not contributing to this kind of behavior, in the best way i can. I want to be in touch with where I am living.
I want to be in touch with what i consume (as much as possible).
I don't want to harm or contribute to violence.
I want to live truthfully with truthfulness.
I want to live in a world of respect and responsibility.
I practice towards love and generosity.
I practice towards gratitude.
I respect.
I love.
I thank.


In case you don't believe me, and want to see it for yourself! Here it is:

this is just one response to this creation:


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