Friday, May 4, 2012


Hands on keyboard, ready to let my system flow....
What is it that is going through me today, right now?
What is it that i want to say?
I tend to have thousand of ideas to blog about, then as I see my reflection on my screen (from the sun that is warming my back) I go through this empty, completely blank moment. And then I get started and usually end up--again-- having too many things to say.

Yesterday was about letting go, surrendering to the Western calculating, measuring, competitive mindset of life.  How concepts and ideas of winning and losing (in all it's levels) takes over our actions, intentions and ultimately our life. Letting go of results and accomplishing certain expectations actually provides great freedom.  Freedom to adventure, freedom to surprise, freedom to knowledge, freedom to connection, love and breath. Conscious breath-- "where there is breath, there is life".
Because I've been thinking...these expectations that we set for ourselves respond to a specific moment or need during a specific time/circumstance.  Then they become this goal, fixed in some fictitious world, which is not necessarily useful, healthy or significant anymore.
I've had the opportunity, the pleasure of discovering that.  I'm grateful for that.  My reaction is not anger, frustration, regret or sorrow...but actually, as I embrace the "now", I give thanks to be awareness, to see and feel that.  And it just requires a choice.  Take a choice.  Don't step forward along that path, turn right, turn left, or in a diagonal, or even's OK.
The great teacher TKV Desikachar (Health, Healing and Beyond) magnificently suggests: I quote.

"We must never feel guilty or ashamed about experiencing the avidya-dukha cycle (the constraints upon our physical and mental life that lead to illness and discontent).  It is as fair and universal as death itself, visited upon each and every one of us."

So make a choice.
I make a choice. With this choice comes great sacrifice, great effort, ultimate truthfulness, kindness and gratitude.
He continues:

"To effect change in our lives is a process of progressive linkage of the mind, a replacement of less desirable associations of the mind with the more desirable....with proper diet and continuous practice, we begin to achieve health of body, clarity of mind, and the ability to communicate and to relate on the other levels with those around us.  Already much of the stress in our lives is reduced. But we can progress further. As we continue our practice, we begin to see the possibilities of higher linkages of mind and spirit. The role of the senses and our emotions become more apparent. On the basis of self-reflection; we see how they tend always to draw us back into old patterns, into old grooves of thought, action, and response.  This is based on experience, such as "I have failed before and probably will again".  We can displace this condition and replace it with something more positive."

Words of wisdom, words of hope, faith and strength.
I connect to Grace and life.
I sit with my intentions every morning, breathe and link.

I see today.
I hear today.
I smell today.
I taste today.
I touch-feel today.

I let prāna (vital energy) flow in, through and out of me.


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