Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our History

It's been on my mind, and i can feel it permeating into my whole system the realization of my new "state of being". 
It has been installed in my rational self for a while now--i intellectualized the concept of leaving New York City, moving to a new life circle (to describe it somehow), beginning something fresh, different.  Intellect held/holds me strong, it is a wonderful tool that provides me order, logic and the ability to ponder upon my circumstances and experiences. 

So, it has been there: the rational intellectual understanding of travel.  
For the past two days, however, i have been feeling something else moving inside me. A kind of liquid that travels through my whole body, resonating in my heart, affecting my skin, stirring my senses, my perception, my breath.  I can't ignore it--i don't want to.  I like to think of it as a deeper comprehension of my existence and my Self. 
Today, as I practiced, I got a whisk of little experiences of New York City: waking up in my bed, feeling the bedsheets I left behind, the place I would usually have my breakfast-perceiving the amount of light I would receive from the window, the smell of my neighborhood, the sound of the metro card as i swiped it underground or in the bus.  The smells, the smells, the smells.  The walks through Central Park.  
Little whisks, but intense, condensed.  As though they were kept in little perfume glass bottles.  Smells that can take me on wild adventures. 

As I experienced all that in my practice, I felt a tiny sting in my heart. For there is a little sorrow lives inside me at the moment. It is healthy and honest of me to embrace it and breathe into it.  Denying it translates to disconnection.  Just as I quoted Kahlil Gibran yesterday (The Prophet), departing, traveling does entail sorrow. It does not mean drowning in it, for it is just one of the wings of the butterfly that makes me fly...the other is joy and happiness. 
And a part of me likes feeling this makes me feel, realize, understand (mind, body and soul) that i'm alive. 

The tiny glass bottles are kept inside me, in my heart, becoming part of my history, part of my life cycle that i shall not renounce or reject. It is my responsibility, i believe, to create history. 
In a fiery conversation last night, at the dinner table, the idea of mindfulness of our actions, our choices was discussed. The details would take more than a couple posts to describe or even explain, but i like to conclude that it is key, today and for the rest of Time, to live in-sync with our beliefs and intentions.  
Not be another sheep in the herd, 
Not step away and play dumb to knowledge, 
Be aware of the law of actions-reactions, 
Understand and act accordingly to our connection with each other, 
Open our perception, fully, to what we are: which is beyond our species and our quotidian-sometimes- superficial needs.  

It is our dharma: responsibility, path, duty, commitment, faithfulness, homage. 

I end with a little "pop" video. Click play, it's quite short and delightfully inspiring!

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