Thursday, May 10, 2012


I choose love.
This choice comes from the simplest, most basic "definition" of life: birth, love and death. 
Birth and death are certainties..then we are left with love.  
To love? To not-love? That is the question. 
I think master Shakespeare said it well: to be or not to be? That is the question.  
"Being" meaning love. 
Love of/for/with yourself and your surroundings, other(s). That is a choice. 

I choose love. 
I believe in love, and I begin with acknowledgment.  Acknowledgement of beauty, positivity and the miraculous gift of life. The vast universe of possibilities, limitless, boundless and kind. 
I have love around me. 
I have shiny jewels, treasures around me. 
Yesterday I wrote about my brother, that makes my heart sing and shine.
Today I write about my sister.  A gem.  A queen.  Divinity.  Her beauty forever glowing, her energy glittering and flowing in perfection. 
Sister, hermana, companion since my coming to this world. 
My life would be lack luster if you were not here.  
You make the world a better place,
you make me a better being,
you are part of the force that thumps my heart. 

When I choose love, I see you.  For you are love. 
Love, for me, is you. 

I am a creature of faith, where I hold deep and strong a belief in higher nature, higher "powers", and the potency of love.  I've been blessed with your companionship, with your presence, your guidance. 

What would I do without my brother? 
Without my sister? 
I hold in my stream of blood the essential nutrients of fellowship, miracle, holiness. 

Liquid love. 

I acknowledge my fortune.  
I admire, bless, give thanks and mesmerize at what is with me.  
I cherish it, and will not pass this lifetime without dedication to our bond.
Hermanos: I see you. 


1 comment:

  1. Qué potente !!! Como madre sólo puedo decir : estoy MUY orgullosa de Uds. tres. Son un premio en mi vida que siempre agradeceré....ABRAZOS. VD
