Fia is my name.
I am a slim--at the moment TOO slim-- creature.
My habitat: planet Earth.
I am currently living in the Southern Hemisphere, South American continent, country Chile, city Santiago.
I am part of a family (direct) of five, I am the middle child.
Why do I begin stating these "objective" pieces of information? I guess it is under the impression that it might define me somehow, it might "place" me somewhere, classify me, specify my persona?
If I were in first grade, and the task was to introduce myself, (which is a common exercise) this is probably what might be expected. More details of course.
Then I say OK, that's a good starting point...but I would actually be more accurate and state:
"I am a creature of the world. I might be physically in Santiago, Chile, but I belong to the planet, I belong to the earth, I belong to the universe. I am life. I have family in every corner where living creatures exist. I have a heart that feels, a mind that thinks and a faith that loves."
I've come across the sensation that people today are predisposing themselves or linking to the feeling of loneliness. Fearing isolation, relating with their hearts to its possibility, complaining about the lack of connection and belonging, therefore...ending up embracing loneliness.
Which is not the same as being alone.
Solitude and loneliness.
***Take a second. Stop what you ever you are doing and just dissect these two concepts, differentiate them and feel (yes, experience) what you discover.
I find great pleasure in being alone. It is beyond compare, unparalleled to the act of sharing. It shouldn't be judged as better or worst..but just different. It has been receiving this bad reputation--associating it to sadness, isolation, antisocial, unfriendliness, uncommunicative, emptiness. These terms are hence connecting to fear and pain.
I know of such people who are terrified of the thought of silence and being alone. I do not judge, but I do encourage to rise above, give yourself a chance...
I raise the question: when alone, aren't we most with ourselves? Isn't it a chance to really listen to what's inside, the truth, the love, feelings, thoughts?
How is that empty in any way?
Why should that be fearful?
How is that unfriendly?
Most answers are found in this paradise, it is bountiful, abundant of exquisite goods and then, when in community, amongst others, all flourishes:providing magnificent aromas, excellent intentions and beautiful actions.
So, I stand today, humbly but strongly in defense of being alone. Alone, but connected.
Hmmm..not the same as connected, but alone.
I share with you today my pleasure of being alone. It gives me strength. It really does. It helps me focus, ground and center myself. Connect with my intentions, my life practice and my faith. It is unmeasurable how much i find, how much i "do" in my moments alone. I do not feel as though I'm running away, but quite the contrary...arriving, finding, belonging.
And i repeat, it gives me great strength. I can experience the miracle of life: where I am my own individual, but with a family in the world, a home.
It gives me strength to create, it gives me strength to love. Power which i sometimes can feel yield and subside to fear.
I stand today, humbly but strongly in defense of being alone. Try it!
I stand today, humbly but strongly proclaiming my intention to take into action my intentions and creative impulses.
I came to the realization this morning in my practice:
Really...i mean REALLY... no one (but my false fictitious fear) can stop me from what I intend to do. If I live a life of truthfulness, contentment, non-violence, cleanliness--if my actions speak coherently so-- there is no fear.
I have the power of creating whatever I possibly intend.
I am a creative self.
** i guess that would be my first grade answer**
(discovery while being alone).