Thursday, April 12, 2012


Una lección de generosidad, amistad y amor.  
A lesson on generosity, friendship and love.

An anthropologist suggested the following game to a group of children in a tribe in Africa: He placed a basket full of fresh fruits under a tree.  He then said that whoever reached the basket first in a race would be the winner of all the fruits. 
As he gave the signal to begin the race, the whole group held hands, ran bonded together and then sat and enjoyed the prize together.
When he asked why they had done such thing, when he had offered the possibility to one to be the ultimate winner.  
They replied: " UBUNTU"-- how could one of us be happy (feel happiness) while the rest are in despair, unhappy?
UBUNTU in the Xhosa culture means: "I am, because we are."

Un antropólogo propuso un juego a los niños de una tribu africana. Puso una canasta llena de frutas cerca de un árbol y le dijo a los niños que aquel que llegara primero ganaría todas las frutas. 
Cuando dio la señal para que corrieran, todos los niños se tomaron de las manos y corrieron juntos, después se sentaron juntos a disfrutar del premio.
Cuando él les preguntó por qué habían corrido así, si uno solo podía ganar todas las frutas, le respondieron: UBUNTU-- ¿cómo uno de nosotros podría estar feliz si todos los demás están tristes?
UBUNTU, en la cultura Xhosa significa: "Yo soy porque nosotros somos."

Children are so wise.  
We have much to learn from them.
Connection to each other and the world we live on.

I've had the privilege of working with children recently, and it is jaw-opening how much there is to observe, learn and understand through them.  Yes, we are all creatures with struggles and not everything is a garden of roses when dealing with children--i should probably throw out the word "challenge" out there, and definitely "patience".  Nonetheless, the point is that we are all hearts bonded together.  Just like this tribe in Africa, it is a matter of perceiving our connection, our existence.  

I have been connecting with my heart vibration a lot lately.  Some might call it "waking up the senses", others just "being emotional".  I like to call it being aware and living in a "heart field".  It is being more sensitive--for things have a definite deeper impact on me-- not only emotionally but as a whole.  I feel, I think, I am moved/shaken.  It is pretty much what i believe to simply be alive.  
I honor and respect this new shift.  I mean, honestly, I'm enjoying it, loving it! 
Respect being the key word here.  I acknowledge my being, i respect it and will defend it with my nails and teeth.  
I've also noticed that i've built this space within me that allows me evaluate situations, emotions, observances that come my way.  I'm learning to give myself that space for assessment, as opposed to snapping and mechanically reacting out of habit or without measuring consequences.  
My actions matter.  
Everyone's actions matter.  
I've said that so much already, i must sound like a old record on repeat.  "Disco pegado"  "Chiste repetido".  
I won't get tired of saying though, I believe it: all our actions matter.  That is karma: action-reaction. 

So yeah...heart field.  In this heart field I have had the pleasure and wonderful insight of experiencing the belonging to this world of hearts.  We all own beautiful beating hearts.  We are all in this spacious, ravishing, charming, magical, graceful, enchanting, exquisite field of hearts.  Creatures around you are beating, the chair you are sitting in is beating, the clouds in the sky are beating, your friends (near and far) are beating, your children, your brothers & sisters, a soldier that is far away from home is beating, the trees are beatings, the earth is beating.  
Feel the enormity of the web of hearts and how these heart-lines are joining us all in this heart field.  We are all home in this heart field.  
Feeling this...doesn't it want you to be a better person?  Be part of the beautiful interaction of giving and receiving heartbeats, allowing your & everyone else's heart grow and grow? 

Binding hands, running as one and enjoy, share the fruits together.
UBUNTU: " I am, because we are"
                   " Yo soy, porque nosotros somos"


1 comment:

  1. Creo que es una de las fotos más lindas e impresionantes que nunca he visto en mi vida. Y qué lección de vida lo que refleja !!!
