Monday, April 2, 2012


Esta foto es maravillosa. Evoca muchísimo.  No es necesario saber específicamente quienes son, donde están, cuál es su relació el gesto, es el sentimiento detrá universal. 

Este es un saludo: 
SAWABONA-- Saludo usado en el Sur de África y significa:
"Yo te respeto, yo te valoro y tú eres importante para mi".
Como respuesta las personas dicen: 
SHIKOBA-- que significa "entonces yo existo para ti".

This is a greeting:
SAWABONA--South African greeting that translates to:
"I respect you, I treasure you, you are important to me".
In response, people say:
SHIKOBA-- "then i exist to/for you".

This morning i woke up with a very strange feeling. I don't want to judge it or classify it as "good", "bad", "happy", "sad".  I better just describe it. Para comenzar (to begin with) I have to say that i'm establishing a very unique, interesting, somewhat unconventional relationship with my dreams lately. I've always been deeply moved with what my dreams reveal and allow me to experience.  I don't know psychology, i wish i did, or psychoanalysis where you study elements of dreams, how you experienced the events, words spoken, etc, etc, etc.  I've generally used my intuition and instincts--if i want to.  Over analyzing, rationalizing everything makes me feel a bit of a caged bird. 
However, I've always wondered: "what's up with my dreams? Is it really just my wild imagination going extra wild?!"  I'm not talking about the occasional nonsense dream where you are running and then all of a sudden something unexpected happens, or the imaginative dream where you know it has been influenced by the movie you just saw, the book you've been reading or a conversation you had recently. No, i'm talking about dreams that makes me experience situations and feelings deep in my core--and that linger on, present in me, in my soul for days..and/or sometimes never leave me.  
I don't want to get all coo-coo crazy right now, but a part of me believes in higher, different dimensions. Dimensions of realities. As i type in these words, trust me, i don't really know what i'm talking about--meaning i can't put my finger on it, and say "ha! it's this!"-- but in this book i'm reading ("Frequency") they talk about different levels of frequencies of awareness...beyond human realm.  This is all new to me, i've not become this mad woman levitating and talking to spirits.  Why am i even making fun of the idea? Am i protecting myself of some sort of judgment? Maybe...
We've heard (I've heard) of quantum physics and the theory of us creating our reality, being open or opening up to new levels of realities.  The classic example of the Aztecs not seeing the Spanish ships because they did not know they existed.  
My point, my point..stick to my point!  Dreams!  
So, i've had dreams where i've spoken, communicated with people in different languages.  Not gibberish. No, conversations. I've had dreams where i talk to people i've never met before and converse, discuss and share moments of great importance.  I've had dreams where i've spoken to people that are no longer with us in this physical realm (family members). 
Last night I experienced discrimination.  I wasn't being pin-pointed or discriminated directly, i somehow saw it a community, and then expand to the world.  Where was I? i don't really know. It was just being in it. I then talked to a man about it.  Why it's happening...and he was speaking to me about the lack of friendship, the lack of unity and fellowship, the urge for power and individual selfish profit instead of well-being for humanity. He was a man from the earth, he was a man of wisdom in connection with the universe.  A human being aware that the law that should reign within us is Prosperity through friendship, love and gratitude-- amongst ourselves, towards each other, to Mother Nature. 
I woke up feeling a bit detached, a bit beaten.  It was somewhat of a bitter going to the dentist where the smell bothers you, the sounds of the little drills make you shiver and the taste of your saliva even feels off...but you know it's all for a better outcome. My analogy probably sucks--but that's how i felt.  My heart was a bit down, I felt a pain in my soul.  
And then as i practiced yoga I realized: No, it was a beautiful thing to have experienced. This visit to this man was a gift.  A gift of hope, a message of love and sense of purpose, focus.  
The picture above sums up all i'm saying: AMISTAD. FRIENDSHIP. 
** let us not forget that we co-exist**


* then my father sends this link to a blog by Cristián Warnken which precisely talks about politics, power and friendship.  Serendipity? 

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