Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mi Casa, Tu Casa

Ring ring goes my phone as i'm preparing my breakfast today.
Benjamín is calling. 
The best surprise ever. 

Benjamín being my little brother (not so little anymore) whom i adore and admire with every living fiber of my body. This is a 23 year old male so sensitive, so knowledgeable, warm-hearted, generous.  I repeat myself--but it's worth repeating: his sensitivity blows my mind every time i speak to him.  

Our special, sincere and bond traces back to when he would come into my room (at that time shared room with my beloved sister) in the middle of the night, wearing his pajamas that had a print of moon and stars, stand next to my bed and gently say: "tengo susto" (i'm scared).  We would then sleep together, even if it meant we were crunched up and sweaty.  
Then were the days when we would play together.  Play, play, play and play.  This involved playing with water guns, pretending we were gymnasts--professional gymnasts, for it included raising our arms and saluting the imaginary crowd/judges-- and of course soccer.  I was the goalie (usually) and he would just shoot with great skill.  I must make a note: i was not bad myself. 
What about the day of Christmas Eve, when we were forced to take a nap, but instead just watched The Flintstones and the Spanish. 
Or when it was Easter and I would hide his eggs, giving him clues where to find them.  

This is all just a little glimpse of where our friendship and partnership began.  And i say that because just because he is my brother does not necessarily mean we should hold such relationship.  
In fact, i think I'm blessed with the family that i have: my parents are outstanding, my sister is indescribably amazing.  

So, ring ring goes my phone.  
I answer. 
And BAM! we just talk for almost an hour.  Catching up, quotidian kinda talk and then comes the sharing of our souls.  What do we believe in, where we are, where we want to go, who we are.  
He understands me, he respects me, he encourages me.  He makes me want to be a better person.  
He makes me feel love. 

He tells me about this documentary film I should watch: Home.

And i will. It's on it's way from Netflix.

Now it's the afternoon.  The hours have passed and I sit and think about...stuff.  
What did the conversation make me think? What did it make me feel? How do i feel? What do i think? 
So i sit down and write:

T.K.V Desikachar (yoga teacher, son of Krishnamacharya) says:
"change within ourselves and those we influence depends upon both our own state of development and the recipient's" 

Simple and true. 
I talk about change, because it was the main theme of my conversation with Benja.  Change for something new and better.  Very yogic. 
Change in the world.  
Ingredients: open to awareness, mindful attitudes towards yourself and the environment, actions that respond in accordance to your beliefs. (at least a tablespoon of each)
Procedure: Now, do not get trapped in frustration, injustice and negativity; turn that energy around and practice kindness, gratitude and the act of creation.  Just whisk it around.
It is easy--and i have recognized it in myself-- falling into the sensation of anxiety, feeling overwhelmed with achieving great results.  Or maybe hearing a desperate cry from within:
"how will I, little me, ever make a difference?!"
"it would take too much! Where to begin? How to begin?"
The answer, i have found, has come to me in one word: home. 
Home is your body, home is your mind, home is your soul/spirit.
Cultivate, listen, nurture, own your home. 
That will lead to a shift in your vibration, frequency and energy.
That will then translate in your attitudes, behaviors.
And out of the oven come the actions!  Little, perhaps you might think, but honestly HUGE. 

I kid around with this whole "recipe" thing, but i speak of truth and in a humble manner.  There is no precise recipe, and the journey is very personal and unique.  However, your existence is universal--which means we are all in this together. 
Your home is my home.
My home is your home.
Tu casa es mi casa.
Mi casa es tu casa. 


1 comment:

  1. Qué recuerdos más lindos !!! y qué importante lo que expresas. Me enorgullece ser tu madre.
