Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Sentada frente al computador un poco en blanco.  
Thinking in Spanish--yet i write this in English.  

Sitting, writing and letting ideas come, feelings rise up and just "contemplar": ponder, contemplate. 
How am i doing today?
I had a good night sleep.  I had one of those strange dreams again where I held a conversation with a stranger.  Someone I've never met before.  I'd be lying if i said I remember what we talked about. It wasn't something too enlightening, it was more of a sharing act.  
i do remember that he was German.  We spoke in English, but he had somewhat of think accent.  
I haven't been seeing any German films, met any Germans, or even thought about Germany--he was just there.  He came by, we met each other as two clouds meet in the sky, dance around each other and then create together a cloud in unison. Yes, because i remember waking up at one point and feeling the flow of ideas, sensing our complicity, collaboration, as though finishing each other sentences. 

I woke up nice and early, naturally-- and smiled.  Felt rested. 
I feel i'm getting my groove back.  It's all in the timing.  
Timing of my inner vibration, my home frequency, my heart beat, my heart center.  My Self. 

Running against time, running catching up...tired, so tired. 
I've had the privilege, the wonderful gift of discovering, exploring my rhythm, my timing.  Having the opportunity to really sense, with my heart, with love, the beauty of living and existence.  
I'm not talking about being illuminated here, or being enlightened--it's about practicing actively, speaking truthfully with myself--my wants, my needs, my beliefs, my love.  And act accordingly. 

I was talking about this with my brother last night.  Practice what you preach.  Acting in accordance to your beliefs.  It's an internal force that drives you.  God is nowhere to be found, God is not outside.  Religion is not behind doors or does not come with instructions.  God is ultimately love--the foundation of life--and it is inside me, inside you, in every living palpitating thing and creature in the universe. 
Yoga and life.  Not an hour practice on our mats--abandoned and forgotten for the rest of the day.
God, Divinity, Belief, Prayer.  Not a sporadic, isolated appointment in our daily lives--what about the other 23 hours of the day? 
God, faith, love, kindness and gratitude has no formula, has no dogma, set of rules or punishment.  If it comes from within, if you act accordingly...that's it. That is living.  That is owning life, that is existing.  
If not it's games, it's automatic, auto-pilot, mechanical habitual activities playing as life. 
The art of living comes from love, comes from that awareness of love and responding--with feelings, intentions, behaviors, actions-- to that love.
That is breath.  That is breathing.  Where there is THAT breath, there is life.  The great Krishnamacharya said: if there is breath, there is always something we can do.  

I'll end up with an idea I read from Osho, which I considered to be interesting:
There are three things in life: birth, love and death. 
Birth and death are certainties.  If you are here, there was birth.  And you will die.  There is no avoiding death. 
Then there is love.  You can choose to love.  You can choose love...and live.  Or you can evade love, shut off love...and not really exist.  There are only those two options.  With love, true love--that holds faith, kindness, collaboration, respect, gratitude-- there is no fear, there is freedom. 

I like that. 
Now is the time to love.  


1 comment:

  1. Qué hermoso !!! tus pensamientos y el acto que una hija empuje a los padres a la reflexión !!!! mamá.
