Friday, April 6, 2012

The Bond

Rode the bus today...again.
I guess I have a confession to make: i'm getting a bit addicted to it.
No, seriously, I wouldn't call it an addiction..but it does give me pleasure.
I act like a little animal creature sometimes, impulsive like that, or rather "instinctively".  I mean, the day is crispy, clear, bright.  The morning sun is shining and the street, people's faces, the trees, the leaves, the colors are just wildly vibrant.
Do I really want to go underground?
Will it take me about twice as long to get somewhere by bus?
Am I in a rush? Do I mind?
Bus it is.

Discovered a new part of the city and again has this feeling of rebirth-- where all your senses are heightened and you are just being.  No map or rode to follow, no patterns to repeat, no expectations.  Surrender.

My day continued its course and I had the pleasure, the gift, of meeting two beautiful friends for lunch. There was so much truth, organic flow of interaction and genuine connection between each other.  I could feel the thread of friendship, generosity, kindness, honesty and love holding us together. It works its magic beyond time and space.  We might be physically apart, we might not speak or hear of each other during long periods of time, but that thread, our bond keeps us together.
Relationships like that make life meaningful, my life meaningful.  Being able to feel and experience moments like these make me understand life a little bit better--what's it all about.  At least for me.
It's not about career achievements, dollars, social status or's about contentment, friendship, relationships and love.
These two gorgeous ladies shared with me part of their sunlight, part of their souls--which then made my whole being radiate, feel warm, and ultimately meaningful and happy. They made me feel alive.

I'm posting at night, which is not the peak moment of my creativity.  Really, i'm not a night person
In the morning i'm sure i'll be bombarded with ideas and words, sentences, feelings, etc! things to share.  Usually it's like that and i need to regroup for a minute, breathe and then just let whatever wants to come out, come out.
Now, i'm more of a non speaker, having language issues where i'm not entirely thinking in English or Spanish.

Before i head to my evening shower, give my thanks and pray goodnight, i want to share a stupendous link.  It's a website where you can donate grains of rice! For free! While learning English..or if you consider you know plenty, while playing with English words!
Go to:


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