Monday, April 16, 2012


I feel blessed.
I am blessed.
I am so grateful for what I have, what i have worked for, what i've become.
It's not easy to sit with yourself and really take the time to reflect on just who you are, where you are...right now.
No "shoulda's", no "coulda's".  Just breathing and let it sit.
Acknowledge. Observe.
Give time and space.

**This is Lord Ganesha-- provides guidance and direction to our intentions**

It shouldn't be scary to ask the big questions.  It terrified me, and there are days that the unwanted little fear "cuco" (monster) starts to creap in on me--i literally picture it as this smokey gooey "thing" crawling up my back.  Well, during harder days, which we all have, it is even more significant to give yourself 5 minutes to just sit and breathe..and question: what is this monster? what does he look like? what does it really signify?
But going back to my initial idea: it's not terrifying to ask yourself big questions.  How am i truly feeling? Who am i right now? Where do i want to go? It's not a matter of putting on your shoulder these big gigantic expectations! OH NO! or command yourself into overwhelming missions.
There should be no pushing, commanding or even determined answers.  Just the intention.  Just the attitude.
It will guide you.

Coming back to me--i feel kind of selfish doing so, but i have to realize it is MY blog-- i'm experiencing that journey right now and i've never ever felt better.
It's not about results, it's more about attitudes, behaviors, actions..and i know, i have this earnest faith that things will shift, the changes (whichever they may be) will come.
I'm amazed at how magnificent it all works--energy, frequency, intentions, practice, faith-- i've seen changes already and what is most important, i FEEL it true.  I feel different, and trust me, i've surprised myself with my actions.

Sometimes we have these ingrained, fixed, stubborn ideas of how "life should be" or "where i'm going" or even "how it should work out".  I say: "whoa! that is dangerous".
I was stuck in that frequency and mentality for years.  And you know? Now i realize it basically lead me to frustration and inertia.  No flow, no movement, no opportunity for anything to happen!  I was this metal statue of a being--or you know stuck under a steel armor with no capacity to dance through life.  All my movements were stiff, "right angled" and my vision totally reduced.
And then we come across what i like to call "little deaths".  We all go through life and death every day.  Some things end, but there is always birth just waiting to arrive.  I find that beautiful.
Not fearing death, for it's part of the cycle.  It's what needs to happen for life to happen!
Ideas, thoughts such as: letting go, changing skin, detachment are worth living--even though in this Western society it has been hammered since our spongy open intuitive death equal bad. Death equals suffering. Death equal end.
So sit...breathe...and really evaluate what you have.  I guarantee you'll surprise yourself on how much you have, how much you've accomplished and how there is absolutely NO reason, use, need to identify with the "shoulda's" and "coulda's".

**Krishnamacharya sitting in Padmāsana setting intention to his practice**
(I practice this everyday which guides my intentions, attitudes and behaviors)

You are blessed.
You and I.
I am with you.

Let us not forget:
"I respect you, I treasure you, you are important to me".
In response:
SHIKOBA-- "then i exist to/for you".


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