Sunday, April 15, 2012

Connected, but alone?

Last night was a good night.  Last night I felt alive, in-sync, in a frequency, vibration that allowed me feel flowing and present.  
One of those moments when you are capable of acknowledging: "hey, this is nice!", "hey, i feel in my element" and everything is somehow working out, positive and hopeful.  
There is also a sense of grasping and understanding the big picture--what matters. How the world, yourself, AND yourself IN the world works.  
It can happen while being alone, while sharing with friends or after a meaningful encounter with someone or something. 
It has come to me in different scenarios.  Very diverse scenarios, i must say: 
While washing dishes, while taking a shower, trimming my nails.  There is something to say about cleansing practices and their connection to self reflection. At least for me.  The Yoga Sutras does include cleanse (sauca) as an element to practice in regards to our relationships with ourselves.  Smart, wise Mr. Patañjali. 
It has come to me while cooking, chopping those delightful vegetables, also when taking the time to really appreciate and become aware of what, when and how i'm eating.  Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine (health, really) of India--"the Science of Life"-- suggests and prescribes to eat..just eat...when eating. Sounds redundant, but it can be quite challenging nowadays.  It's based on being present and conscious of our actions.  Connect to ourselves in the action of eating, relating to our food, to our nourishment.  Being an Ayurvedic "practitioner" myself, I know it how challenging it can be!
Connect by disconnecting.  How easy and habitual is it to watch TV while eating, reading, check our phones/devices? Right? 
If alone, sit in silence and take the time to see, smell, taste, hear, feel your food.  If not alone, do the same but acknowledge the other, relate to them. 
Gratitude towards what you have: contentment (samtosa).  What you have is what you have, it is enough.
Contentment to be where you are, with who you are.  No quarreling! 
Connect by disconnecting. 

Last night i had one of those moments.  I was not running against the clock.  In flow and in my rhythm.  I've noticed how doing so stresses me out, living up to what is coming next.  An agenda to fill, somewhere to be, running, catching up.  It drains me, it makes me disappear, pass by the day..disappear. 
Yes, there are times where we HAVE to be somewhere, and we don't have the luxury to take all the time we want in our chores and actions--but i want that to be conscious.  Not mechanical living or forgetting myself.  I need and i WANT moments of connection.  With myself and with my environment.  That's my practice, that's part of yoga, there is the effort (tapah), there is the reflection, study (svādhyāya) and there is my devotion, sacrifice, surrender (íśvārapranidhānani).  The action of yoga (kriya yoga). 

So there i was, at my home frequency...energetically, emotionally...
and i came across this wonderful, insightful, and hopeful TED talk.  Completely "connected" (important choice of word!) with my evening experience! 

If you're interested, read my next post.  I decided to separate it in two, because a part of me sensed it might be a bit overwhelming.  So, read along to the next one--or whenever, if interested...
"Connected, but alone?" 
**link in next post!***


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