Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The highest state of love is not a relationship at all, it is simply a state of your being.  
Just as trees are green, a love is loving.
They are not green for particular persons, it is not that when you come they become green.  
The flower goes on spreading its fragrance whether anybody comes or not, whether anybody appreciates or not.  The flower does not start releasing its fragrance when it sees that a great poet is coming by---
"Now this man will appreciate it, now this man will be able to understand who I am" 
And it does not close its doors when it sees that a stupid, idiotic person is passing there---
insensitive, dull, a politician or something like that.
It does not close itself. 
No, the flower goes on spreading its fragrance.  
It is a state of being, not a relationship. 

Connecting with the state of love.
How does it feel? What's my experience?
I feel love within myself, with myself, and breathing love. Sounds cliché, but as I confessed to my mother over the phone yesterday: every day I feel a tiny bit happier. It's a place of goodness, truthful goodness.
And I love the journey, I love this path-less state I'm in--not worrying about results. It is a journey, where the challenge lies in sustaining it. 
Letting go, surrender to who smells me. Who doesn't.
Just being. 

I'm becoming this flower because of what I believe in. In honor of the greatness in me. Honoring myself, honoring others, honoring the world, honoring life. It is a selfless act, which entails awareness, discipline, devotion and responsibility. 
I sense, feel, the beauty around me. My frequency is tuning in to growth, respect and beauty. 
Why sink in complaints? Why sink to tiredness? Carelessness? Sighs and frowns? 
Exuding perfume.

Sauca (cleanliness) is a beautiful thing to practice on. 
Make space, give time to cleanliness: of your space, in your feelings, in your thoughts and actions. 
It's easy to over-saturate, adorn. 
Samtosa (contentment) is a good pair of sauca. Take pride, acknowledge what you have. It's not about what you don't have. 
It's enough. The rest...let go. 
Contain, hold what you have--might be surprising how it's the simple things, intangible even, that acquire true meaning.
Samtosa...give thanks. 

For months now I have been cleaning up before going to bed. There is something precious about feeling the water in my body wash away dirt (beyond the literal), feeling clean as I go to rest for the night. 
My last moments awake are in silence giving thanks.

In this past week I've been practicing eating in silence (if alone), connecting with my food and the act of nourishment. 
If music is playing, I incorporate it. 
It is connecting and disconnecting--from distractions, technology, multi-tasking.
Before beginning I allow myself to breathe and give thanks. I appreciate what I have before me:  its energy is with me, feeds me and becomes me. 
It is a conscious act that involves lovingkindness and gratitude. 
I understand now how before I made it my enemy, an act of violence and rejection. How i was disconnecting, disappearing, not allowing the beautiful process of nourishment to happen--even in disposition, energetically.
That's why I sit down and give thanks. 
I give thanks to the better place I am in now. 
I give thanks to yoga that has shown me the path, for it's wisdom. For bringing me back.
I give thanks to life, for the day-to-day/ moment-to-moment opportunities of growth and well being. 
And most of all, I give thanks to love: for it has been, IS, the strength that has kept me alive. It is what holds life, the foundation of life, and what has me here today: filled with optimism and faith. 
I understand spirituality now, the sense of divinity. My particular belief of the presence of the divine.
Love; i find in nature, love I believe is the bond in all of us, friends, strangers, love in creation. 
Love; I have endlessly found, and keep finding in my family. Is there any way I can even outline the dimensions of the amount of love I receive from them? Just as impossible it is to me to describe the love I feel for them. It's something to do with blood, heart, electrical-vibrational power...a bondage of indestructible energy that defies physical reality. 
Maybe I should be simple and ultimately call it LOVE.


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