Sunday, April 22, 2012

Madre Tierra

Earth day.
Dia de la Tierra.  

My blessings to you, today, home...
I celebrate you every day, and feel blessed to be a part of you.  
Today I woke up with extra awareness of your existence, of your beauty, wisdom and divinity. 
You are divine. 
My yoga practice was for you.  As my limbs moved through space, as my lungs inhaled and exhales, I breathed for you. My heart beat for you, the focus of mind and intention was in your honor.  
I chanted for you, a prayer to your wonder.
Appreciation and gratefulness to be a part of you.  

You are life, you are creation, you are love. 
I reflect and think that we have not treated you very well, how you deserve to be treated.  
I apologize. 
It's shameful how we're behaving like little rascals, selfish creatures not acknowledging where we come from, where we are, and what is to come.

I don't forget, I am part soil, part water, part air, part fire, part ether.  
I am earth too. 
I palpitate with you. 

I also feel  I do not dwell on the past, I do not live in the past.  
I surrender, bow my head humbly and let go of regrets, anger, frustration, hatred, violence..regrets (yes, i repeat, regrets). 
I live now...atha...
what are my attitudes? what are my intentions? what is my behavior? what is my goal?
I act now.  
Practice what you preach.

Ahimsa: non-violence.  
Satya: truthfulness
Asteya: non-stealing
Bramhacarya: moderation
Aparigrahah: non-greediness.  

The now is crucial, important, precious, miraculous.
What will come starts in the now.
I know i'm not alone and that there is love everywhere.  
That is all, the choice of love.   

Oh Earth, mother of mine, Goddess...
I take care of you-- 
I celebrate you with love & light. 


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