Friday, April 20, 2012

Bird Dance

"The miracle is to walk the earth."
Chief Luther Standing Bear - Land of the Spotted Eagle

"The old people came literally to love soil and they sat around or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to the mother power. It was good for the skin to touch the earth and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth. Their tipis were built upon the earth and their alters were made of earth. The birds that flew into the air came to rest upon the earth and it was the final abiding place of all things that lived and grew. The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing and healing."

Isn't this beautiful? The earth, connection with the earth.  As the creatures that we are. 

Today, I got a chance to see two little birds flirt, give court, romance each other.  One fluttering it's wings, expanding it's feathers and moving around..the other: chirping, standing still, acting kind of aloof and cool.  
Then a third party arrives! This fellow is clumsy, overly energetic, loud and very direct.  It takes one quick precise move of one of original couple, and the intruder is gone.  Flies away.
The dance of liaison continues...

Sound familiar?
Creatures of the earth. 

I love being a witness of such encounters of nature. It makes me feel part of something beautiful, and reaffirm that life is a dance of love, of creation and wisdom. 
How detached can we become at times...and that pains me. It really does.  Pain.  Legitimate, truthful pain. When there is the possibility of love, nurture, kindness, why is there then conscious destruction, abuse, and injustice? 
Carelessness and ignorance is killing the treasures that we have in front of us.  Ignorance towards the consequences of our actions, or even worst, carelessness towards them.  
Mother Earth is bountiful, but will not stand indifferent to our abuse. There is an end to misuse of resources, there will be consequences. 

I stand in awe when i see educated people be so unmindful, inattentive to their behaviors and actions. I don't want to be part of "disposable" culture and society.  And i see that around me all the time.  Pain...again. Buy, buy, buy...throw out, throw out, throw out. 
Whatever is more convenient, easy, comfortable; what flavorless, unattractive, ambivalent words.  Do not like--at all. 

I go back to the two birds and their romance. 
They know what it's all about.

I want no part in violence..and we are being violent to ourselves, to our fellow humans, to the creatures of the earth, to the earth itself. 

I have faith though.  I'm not tuning down to bitterness, anger, frustration and pain.  No, i know that all i can do is produce change in me, and that will make a difference. I will act according to my beliefs and live knowing that i come from the earth, the soil, i am part of it.  


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