Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oh, these creatures!

Look at this!

Oh, these creatures! They make my heart contract and expand with "ternura" (endearment).  Oh, but ternura is such a better word!  It comes with a shrinking of the face, pouting lips and a little exhalation of just pure joy and admiration. 
I love their wrinkles, their long curious trunks, those big feet and their eyelashes!

I'm a creature lover. Every creature has my most sincere respect and admiration, but these four-legged gray beings are too much!  
Beyond the "ternura" i feel when i see pictures or videos of them, I believe they are quite wonderful. 

 Here are some facts you might not know about my sweet friends, los elefantes!

*There are basically two main species of elephants-- Asian and African.  Their population today is of 450,000-700,000 (Asian) and 35,000-40,000 (African)
* They weight from 6,000-15,000 lbs. 
* They are completely vegetarian!  Grasses, leaves, bamboo, bark, roots are their basic diet.  Might eat some crops like bananas and sugar cane.  
* They reach puberty when they are around 13-15 years old.
* Can have offsprings until they are approx. 50 yrs. old.
* They live up to 70+ years.
* Their trunks are an extra sensitive organ with more than 100,000 muscle units.
* Elephants form deep family bonds and live in tight matriarchal herds of up to 100 members. The herd is lead by the oldest and largest female.  When a baby calf is born the whole herd embraces its arrival and takes care of its upbringing. 
* They are extremely intelligent and posses great memories--it is this memory that serves the matriarchal to lead the herd to watering holes during dry seasons, remembering their locations.
* Elephants are extremely emotional creatures: they show signs of grief, joy, anger and play!  They cry and laugh. When a baby complains, the whole herd rumbles, touches and caresses the small calf. 
* They carry out greeting ceremonies when an old friend returns to the group. 
* Elephants grieve the loss of a baby calf or if any member of the herd dies.  They are forever eternally faithful to their life partner. 

Isn't it beautiful? Isn't nature and its creatures unbelievably magical and magnificent? 
What ever makes us feel, act and think as though we are not part of this remarkable phenomenal system? 

Today I've been thinking about elephants, wearing my little elephant necklace. 
So, I dedicate this little space and time to my fellow elefantitos-- creatures that deserve well-being, freedom, respect and love.  


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