Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Suddenly, my body.

I want to start out the day with WOW. 
Wow to the world, wow to me (!), wow to you, wow to what is around us.
Just WOW. 
And let "wow" be an expression of:

Take the time, once again to go through that list.  Do any of those words evoke, inspire, resonate something in you? I'm surely attracted to some more than other--but they are all a part of me right now. I'm sure if you look at the definition of "wow" in the dictionary you might get a more rational description - i haven't looked- and the thesaurus might leave some of these words out too..but that list is inside me, around me, sent out from me.  
To you. 
To you reading this blog,
even to those i have not met yet, I do not know and maybe will never meet.  But it still goes out to you because it's inside me and it's what makes existence and life meaningful.  
I wake up to WOW, i struggle for WOW, i breathe for WOW, i float through this world of waves of energy to/with/for/as WOW: all the qualities of WOW i've just humbly shared. 

All these words, come to me and are a part of me because now for the first time in my life, at my 28 years of age (a baby to some, a grown woman to others, a "chiquilla", "lola", casi treintona/almost 30) i have a sense of ownership.  Ownership of my home (for the time being)--my body and the life i travel through with my body.  Yes, i mean it in the physical sense, but now it percolates even deeper to my subtle body: my body of soul, spirit, awareness. And in this "deeper" "truer" "invisible" realm we are all connected and there is no limit to greatness.  

I'm not enlightened or have been touched by the great divinity of higher powers! I'm actually going through baby steps, healing steps, but i can sense, feel and believe in the significance and potentiality of ownership, awareness and WOW-ness! 

I just heard, saw, experienced this video (hit play below!) and it is exactly the power of WOW.  I say WOW to her, I say WOW to myself, I say WOW to you.  I share this powerful message, and i think it will strike you with WOW too. 

Personally, she speaks for me in so many ways. 
Suddenly, my body.

 ** Two things:  
-funny that the video was posted the day of my birthday? (filmed in Dec. but posted Aug.5) ???

-A little about Eve Ensler
Inspired by intimate conversations with friends, Eve Ensler wrote The Vagina Monologues. The play recounts tender, funny, gripping and horrifying stories she gathered from hundreds of women about their bodies, their sexual experiences, and yes, their vaginas. Since its first staging in 1996, it has been translated into more than 45 languages, performed in more than 120 countries and re-created as an HBO film. 

The Vagina Monologues' success allowed Ensler to create V-Daya global activist movement to end violence against women and girls, which has so far raised $85 million to prevent violence and protect abused women. In February 2011, Ensler received the Isabelle Stephenson Tony Award for her philanthropic work. Ensler has also drawn praise for The Good Body, a play that cuts to women's obsession with their appearance, and her film What I Want My Words to Do to You, which portrays a writing group she leads at a correctional facility for women. Today, she continues to find new projects and push the envelope. Her latest play, I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World, hit the New York Timesbestseller list and just wrapped a workshop production in Johannesburg -- nest stop is Paris and then Berkeley in June 2012.

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