Sunday, April 22, 2012

Madre Tierra

Earth day.
Dia de la Tierra.  

My blessings to you, today, home...
I celebrate you every day, and feel blessed to be a part of you.  
Today I woke up with extra awareness of your existence, of your beauty, wisdom and divinity. 
You are divine. 
My yoga practice was for you.  As my limbs moved through space, as my lungs inhaled and exhales, I breathed for you. My heart beat for you, the focus of mind and intention was in your honor.  
I chanted for you, a prayer to your wonder.
Appreciation and gratefulness to be a part of you.  

You are life, you are creation, you are love. 
I reflect and think that we have not treated you very well, how you deserve to be treated.  
I apologize. 
It's shameful how we're behaving like little rascals, selfish creatures not acknowledging where we come from, where we are, and what is to come.

I don't forget, I am part soil, part water, part air, part fire, part ether.  
I am earth too. 
I palpitate with you. 

I also feel  I do not dwell on the past, I do not live in the past.  
I surrender, bow my head humbly and let go of regrets, anger, frustration, hatred, violence..regrets (yes, i repeat, regrets). 
I live now...atha...
what are my attitudes? what are my intentions? what is my behavior? what is my goal?
I act now.  
Practice what you preach.

Ahimsa: non-violence.  
Satya: truthfulness
Asteya: non-stealing
Bramhacarya: moderation
Aparigrahah: non-greediness.  

The now is crucial, important, precious, miraculous.
What will come starts in the now.
I know i'm not alone and that there is love everywhere.  
That is all, the choice of love.   

Oh Earth, mother of mine, Goddess...
I take care of you-- 
I celebrate you with love & light. 


Friday, April 20, 2012

Bird Dance

"The miracle is to walk the earth."
Chief Luther Standing Bear - Land of the Spotted Eagle

"The old people came literally to love soil and they sat around or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to the mother power. It was good for the skin to touch the earth and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth. Their tipis were built upon the earth and their alters were made of earth. The birds that flew into the air came to rest upon the earth and it was the final abiding place of all things that lived and grew. The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing and healing."

Isn't this beautiful? The earth, connection with the earth.  As the creatures that we are. 

Today, I got a chance to see two little birds flirt, give court, romance each other.  One fluttering it's wings, expanding it's feathers and moving around..the other: chirping, standing still, acting kind of aloof and cool.  
Then a third party arrives! This fellow is clumsy, overly energetic, loud and very direct.  It takes one quick precise move of one of original couple, and the intruder is gone.  Flies away.
The dance of liaison continues...

Sound familiar?
Creatures of the earth. 

I love being a witness of such encounters of nature. It makes me feel part of something beautiful, and reaffirm that life is a dance of love, of creation and wisdom. 
How detached can we become at times...and that pains me. It really does.  Pain.  Legitimate, truthful pain. When there is the possibility of love, nurture, kindness, why is there then conscious destruction, abuse, and injustice? 
Carelessness and ignorance is killing the treasures that we have in front of us.  Ignorance towards the consequences of our actions, or even worst, carelessness towards them.  
Mother Earth is bountiful, but will not stand indifferent to our abuse. There is an end to misuse of resources, there will be consequences. 

I stand in awe when i see educated people be so unmindful, inattentive to their behaviors and actions. I don't want to be part of "disposable" culture and society.  And i see that around me all the time.  Pain...again. Buy, buy, buy...throw out, throw out, throw out. 
Whatever is more convenient, easy, comfortable; what flavorless, unattractive, ambivalent words.  Do not like--at all. 

I go back to the two birds and their romance. 
They know what it's all about.

I want no part in violence..and we are being violent to ourselves, to our fellow humans, to the creatures of the earth, to the earth itself. 

I have faith though.  I'm not tuning down to bitterness, anger, frustration and pain.  No, i know that all i can do is produce change in me, and that will make a difference. I will act according to my beliefs and live knowing that i come from the earth, the soil, i am part of it.  


Thursday, April 19, 2012


Me siento a escribir hoy con la intención de trasmitir mi fe y amor por la vida.  Es difícil cuando veo que ocurren acontecimientos que llenan a gente que quiero con dolor y tristeza. 
Personalmente, mi vida está tomando una nueva forma--o quizás debería decir que está tomando forma.  Punto. 
Reconectarme con mi existencia, con el milagro de la vida, y saber que tomar conciencia de la vida y sus posibilidades es bastante poderoso.  Y me refiero a poder no en relación a la competencia, a status, o como manera de clasificar un "arriba/superior" y un "abajo/inferior" con el resto.  
Sí un superior conmigo misma, con un poder que al final me trae felicidad, paz, generosidad y gratitud. 

Todos estos son conceptos de los que he escrito y escrito en los últimos días, semanas...pero es como una plegaria, un rezo...del cual hay que practicar, sentir y vivir. 

En este camino hacia la conciencia, conexión con la frecuencia del amor, me he visto más sensible.  Me he encontrado sintiendo, vivenciando emociones genuinas que brotan de mi centro--de mi corazón-- y que no sólo responden a mis experiencias directas, a mi día a día, a mi realidad física. Me he visto con movimiento interno, conectando con seres que no están conmigo, con criaturas de toda especie, a lo lejos, que sé que están amando y (lamentablemente) sufriendo.   

Escribo estas palabras hoy, para trasmitir, comunicar y compartir mi existencia con ellos--con ustedes.  Reitero que coexistimos en este maravilloso planeta que nos otorga tanto.  Somos parte de una red de corazones, latiendo juntos.  
A veces nos sentimos solos, nos sentimos derrotados, incomprendidos, perdidos...pero estas palabras de mi humilde ser te quiere decir que no es así. Yo estoy contigo.  Es importante darse el tiempo y el espacio para conocerse a uno mismo--un tiempo de reflexión, sentir lo que se está sintiendo, escucharse, escuchar tu corazón-- pero no sentir soledad.  
Yo estoy contigo; el astro Sol está contigo y salió hoy, brindando luz para tí; los pajaritos están contigo, la tierra palpita contigo, tu respiración está contigo.  

Si estas pasando por momentos difíciles, yo estoy en ese camino contigo, vivamos ese momento y tengamos fe que la rueda de la vida dará vueltas y que nada es duradero--siempre hay nuevas oportunidades.  Vivamos el dolor y así luego estaremos preparados para lo nuevo que se presenta en el camino.  

Yo tengo fe en el amor.  Yo vivo para el amor, con amor.  Esa es mi fe, el amor--el verdadero amor que nace de adentro-- ese es mi Dios. Y donde hay Dios hay vida. 

Yo estoy contigo.  


Sometimes I lay under the moon
And I thank God I'm breathing
Then I pray don't take me soon
Cause I am here for a reason

Sometimes in my tears I drown
But I never let it get me down
So when negativity surrounds
I know someday it'll all turn around because

All my life I been waiting for
I been prayin for
For the people to say
That we don't want to fight no more
They'll be no more wars
And our children will play

One day

It's not about win or lose cause we all lose when they feed on the souls of the innocent blood drenched pavement keep on moving though the waters stay raging and in this life you may lose your way, it might drive you crazy but don't let it phase you no way

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Sentada frente al computador un poco en blanco.  
Thinking in Spanish--yet i write this in English.  

Sitting, writing and letting ideas come, feelings rise up and just "contemplar": ponder, contemplate. 
How am i doing today?
I had a good night sleep.  I had one of those strange dreams again where I held a conversation with a stranger.  Someone I've never met before.  I'd be lying if i said I remember what we talked about. It wasn't something too enlightening, it was more of a sharing act.  
i do remember that he was German.  We spoke in English, but he had somewhat of think accent.  
I haven't been seeing any German films, met any Germans, or even thought about Germany--he was just there.  He came by, we met each other as two clouds meet in the sky, dance around each other and then create together a cloud in unison. Yes, because i remember waking up at one point and feeling the flow of ideas, sensing our complicity, collaboration, as though finishing each other sentences. 

I woke up nice and early, naturally-- and smiled.  Felt rested. 
I feel i'm getting my groove back.  It's all in the timing.  
Timing of my inner vibration, my home frequency, my heart beat, my heart center.  My Self. 

Running against time, running catching up...tired, so tired. 
I've had the privilege, the wonderful gift of discovering, exploring my rhythm, my timing.  Having the opportunity to really sense, with my heart, with love, the beauty of living and existence.  
I'm not talking about being illuminated here, or being enlightened--it's about practicing actively, speaking truthfully with myself--my wants, my needs, my beliefs, my love.  And act accordingly. 

I was talking about this with my brother last night.  Practice what you preach.  Acting in accordance to your beliefs.  It's an internal force that drives you.  God is nowhere to be found, God is not outside.  Religion is not behind doors or does not come with instructions.  God is ultimately love--the foundation of life--and it is inside me, inside you, in every living palpitating thing and creature in the universe. 
Yoga and life.  Not an hour practice on our mats--abandoned and forgotten for the rest of the day.
God, Divinity, Belief, Prayer.  Not a sporadic, isolated appointment in our daily lives--what about the other 23 hours of the day? 
God, faith, love, kindness and gratitude has no formula, has no dogma, set of rules or punishment.  If it comes from within, if you act accordingly...that's it. That is living.  That is owning life, that is existing.  
If not it's games, it's automatic, auto-pilot, mechanical habitual activities playing as life. 
The art of living comes from love, comes from that awareness of love and responding--with feelings, intentions, behaviors, actions-- to that love.
That is breath.  That is breathing.  Where there is THAT breath, there is life.  The great Krishnamacharya said: if there is breath, there is always something we can do.  

I'll end up with an idea I read from Osho, which I considered to be interesting:
There are three things in life: birth, love and death. 
Birth and death are certainties.  If you are here, there was birth.  And you will die.  There is no avoiding death. 
Then there is love.  You can choose to love.  You can choose love...and live.  Or you can evade love, shut off love...and not really exist.  There are only those two options.  With love, true love--that holds faith, kindness, collaboration, respect, gratitude-- there is no fear, there is freedom. 

I like that. 
Now is the time to love.  


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The highest state of love is not a relationship at all, it is simply a state of your being.  
Just as trees are green, a love is loving.
They are not green for particular persons, it is not that when you come they become green.  
The flower goes on spreading its fragrance whether anybody comes or not, whether anybody appreciates or not.  The flower does not start releasing its fragrance when it sees that a great poet is coming by---
"Now this man will appreciate it, now this man will be able to understand who I am" 
And it does not close its doors when it sees that a stupid, idiotic person is passing there---
insensitive, dull, a politician or something like that.
It does not close itself. 
No, the flower goes on spreading its fragrance.  
It is a state of being, not a relationship. 

Connecting with the state of love.
How does it feel? What's my experience?
I feel love within myself, with myself, and breathing love. Sounds cliché, but as I confessed to my mother over the phone yesterday: every day I feel a tiny bit happier. It's a place of goodness, truthful goodness.
And I love the journey, I love this path-less state I'm in--not worrying about results. It is a journey, where the challenge lies in sustaining it. 
Letting go, surrender to who smells me. Who doesn't.
Just being. 

I'm becoming this flower because of what I believe in. In honor of the greatness in me. Honoring myself, honoring others, honoring the world, honoring life. It is a selfless act, which entails awareness, discipline, devotion and responsibility. 
I sense, feel, the beauty around me. My frequency is tuning in to growth, respect and beauty. 
Why sink in complaints? Why sink to tiredness? Carelessness? Sighs and frowns? 
Exuding perfume.

Sauca (cleanliness) is a beautiful thing to practice on. 
Make space, give time to cleanliness: of your space, in your feelings, in your thoughts and actions. 
It's easy to over-saturate, adorn. 
Samtosa (contentment) is a good pair of sauca. Take pride, acknowledge what you have. It's not about what you don't have. 
It's enough. The rest...let go. 
Contain, hold what you have--might be surprising how it's the simple things, intangible even, that acquire true meaning.
Samtosa...give thanks. 

For months now I have been cleaning up before going to bed. There is something precious about feeling the water in my body wash away dirt (beyond the literal), feeling clean as I go to rest for the night. 
My last moments awake are in silence giving thanks.

In this past week I've been practicing eating in silence (if alone), connecting with my food and the act of nourishment. 
If music is playing, I incorporate it. 
It is connecting and disconnecting--from distractions, technology, multi-tasking.
Before beginning I allow myself to breathe and give thanks. I appreciate what I have before me:  its energy is with me, feeds me and becomes me. 
It is a conscious act that involves lovingkindness and gratitude. 
I understand now how before I made it my enemy, an act of violence and rejection. How i was disconnecting, disappearing, not allowing the beautiful process of nourishment to happen--even in disposition, energetically.
That's why I sit down and give thanks. 
I give thanks to the better place I am in now. 
I give thanks to yoga that has shown me the path, for it's wisdom. For bringing me back.
I give thanks to life, for the day-to-day/ moment-to-moment opportunities of growth and well being. 
And most of all, I give thanks to love: for it has been, IS, the strength that has kept me alive. It is what holds life, the foundation of life, and what has me here today: filled with optimism and faith. 
I understand spirituality now, the sense of divinity. My particular belief of the presence of the divine.
Love; i find in nature, love I believe is the bond in all of us, friends, strangers, love in creation. 
Love; I have endlessly found, and keep finding in my family. Is there any way I can even outline the dimensions of the amount of love I receive from them? Just as impossible it is to me to describe the love I feel for them. It's something to do with blood, heart, electrical-vibrational power...a bondage of indestructible energy that defies physical reality. 
Maybe I should be simple and ultimately call it LOVE.


Monday, April 16, 2012


I feel blessed.
I am blessed.
I am so grateful for what I have, what i have worked for, what i've become.
It's not easy to sit with yourself and really take the time to reflect on just who you are, where you are...right now.
No "shoulda's", no "coulda's".  Just breathing and let it sit.
Acknowledge. Observe.
Give time and space.

**This is Lord Ganesha-- provides guidance and direction to our intentions**

It shouldn't be scary to ask the big questions.  It terrified me, and there are days that the unwanted little fear "cuco" (monster) starts to creap in on me--i literally picture it as this smokey gooey "thing" crawling up my back.  Well, during harder days, which we all have, it is even more significant to give yourself 5 minutes to just sit and breathe..and question: what is this monster? what does he look like? what does it really signify?
But going back to my initial idea: it's not terrifying to ask yourself big questions.  How am i truly feeling? Who am i right now? Where do i want to go? It's not a matter of putting on your shoulder these big gigantic expectations! OH NO! or command yourself into overwhelming missions.
There should be no pushing, commanding or even determined answers.  Just the intention.  Just the attitude.
It will guide you.

Coming back to me--i feel kind of selfish doing so, but i have to realize it is MY blog-- i'm experiencing that journey right now and i've never ever felt better.
It's not about results, it's more about attitudes, behaviors, actions..and i know, i have this earnest faith that things will shift, the changes (whichever they may be) will come.
I'm amazed at how magnificent it all works--energy, frequency, intentions, practice, faith-- i've seen changes already and what is most important, i FEEL it true.  I feel different, and trust me, i've surprised myself with my actions.

Sometimes we have these ingrained, fixed, stubborn ideas of how "life should be" or "where i'm going" or even "how it should work out".  I say: "whoa! that is dangerous".
I was stuck in that frequency and mentality for years.  And you know? Now i realize it basically lead me to frustration and inertia.  No flow, no movement, no opportunity for anything to happen!  I was this metal statue of a being--or you know stuck under a steel armor with no capacity to dance through life.  All my movements were stiff, "right angled" and my vision totally reduced.
And then we come across what i like to call "little deaths".  We all go through life and death every day.  Some things end, but there is always birth just waiting to arrive.  I find that beautiful.
Not fearing death, for it's part of the cycle.  It's what needs to happen for life to happen!
Ideas, thoughts such as: letting go, changing skin, detachment are worth living--even though in this Western society it has been hammered since our spongy open intuitive death equal bad. Death equals suffering. Death equal end.
So sit...breathe...and really evaluate what you have.  I guarantee you'll surprise yourself on how much you have, how much you've accomplished and how there is absolutely NO reason, use, need to identify with the "shoulda's" and "coulda's".

**Krishnamacharya sitting in Padmāsana setting intention to his practice**
(I practice this everyday which guides my intentions, attitudes and behaviors)

You are blessed.
You and I.
I am with you.

Let us not forget:
"I respect you, I treasure you, you are important to me".
In response:
SHIKOBA-- "then i exist to/for you".


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Connected, but alone? (Part deux)

"Connected, but alone?"

Technology: texting vs. real conversation.  
The power of editing our relationships: not too little, not too much.  Editing. Control what to say, what to hear, when to participate--disconnection, not being present.  
This detachment is avoiding and stealing away the possibility and GREAT power of self reflection. 
Running away? From who? What? Ourselves?

Then there is the actual action of texting...and not calling.  Texting, not speaking, not voicing our thoughts, feelings--and what about grammar? 
Phone surfing the web.  When we are alone, in gathering with friends, co-workers, in the presence (presence, presence, presence) of family members.  

What happens to the child/adolescent that must and should develop communicating skills? Social behavior? 
Makes me wonder: how can we aim for universal bondage, a sense of community amongst us humans and the world, if keyboards, touch-screens, headphones and microphones are now replacing our senses? Diminishing, killing our experiences? 
----that brings me to my constant surprise (i stand in "awe"!) when i see people running along Central Park, or any beautiful natural landscape, hooked into headphones but so hooked-out.  Missing out on the different bird sounds, the magnificent trees in bloom, the sound of water, wind, even creatures (like me!) around them.  It is not my intention to judge, but sincerely communicate my wish for a greater connection.----

What happened to play? in children? in adults? 
What happened to long meaningful conversations? (that are not work related, meetings or some kind of scheduled appointment)
Where have handwritten love letters, poems, gone? 

My question really is: how connected are we--truly--now with this so called "global connectivity"?
How in touch are we with ourselves and what's around us?
Self reflect. Svādhyāya.
How aware are we with each other?
We are designing and using technology that gives us the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship.  
Let's connect by disconnecting.  How empty will that make you feel? to be off your devices?
Is it a fear of being alone? Is it the desire to belong, to feel like your being listened--is that the reason of "connecting"? posting? texting?
Or is it a fear to actually deal with yourself? Your true inner feelings? Your true existence?
How much of this connection is isolation? Being alone, solitude and isolation are very different things.
Being alone is not necessarily being lonely. 

Let's use our devices, yes, but let them not shape and redefine who we are and our relationships. 
Let's create sacred spaces for ourselves, for each other.
Let's establish and cultivate true live connections.
Let's listen, nourish our senses and their powers to communicate.
Be alive. 


Connected, but alone?

Last night was a good night.  Last night I felt alive, in-sync, in a frequency, vibration that allowed me feel flowing and present.  
One of those moments when you are capable of acknowledging: "hey, this is nice!", "hey, i feel in my element" and everything is somehow working out, positive and hopeful.  
There is also a sense of grasping and understanding the big picture--what matters. How the world, yourself, AND yourself IN the world works.  
It can happen while being alone, while sharing with friends or after a meaningful encounter with someone or something. 
It has come to me in different scenarios.  Very diverse scenarios, i must say: 
While washing dishes, while taking a shower, trimming my nails.  There is something to say about cleansing practices and their connection to self reflection. At least for me.  The Yoga Sutras does include cleanse (sauca) as an element to practice in regards to our relationships with ourselves.  Smart, wise Mr. Patañjali. 
It has come to me while cooking, chopping those delightful vegetables, also when taking the time to really appreciate and become aware of what, when and how i'm eating.  Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine (health, really) of India--"the Science of Life"-- suggests and prescribes to eat..just eat...when eating. Sounds redundant, but it can be quite challenging nowadays.  It's based on being present and conscious of our actions.  Connect to ourselves in the action of eating, relating to our food, to our nourishment.  Being an Ayurvedic "practitioner" myself, I know it how challenging it can be!
Connect by disconnecting.  How easy and habitual is it to watch TV while eating, reading, check our phones/devices? Right? 
If alone, sit in silence and take the time to see, smell, taste, hear, feel your food.  If not alone, do the same but acknowledge the other, relate to them. 
Gratitude towards what you have: contentment (samtosa).  What you have is what you have, it is enough.
Contentment to be where you are, with who you are.  No quarreling! 
Connect by disconnecting. 

Last night i had one of those moments.  I was not running against the clock.  In flow and in my rhythm.  I've noticed how doing so stresses me out, living up to what is coming next.  An agenda to fill, somewhere to be, running, catching up.  It drains me, it makes me disappear, pass by the day..disappear. 
Yes, there are times where we HAVE to be somewhere, and we don't have the luxury to take all the time we want in our chores and actions--but i want that to be conscious.  Not mechanical living or forgetting myself.  I need and i WANT moments of connection.  With myself and with my environment.  That's my practice, that's part of yoga, there is the effort (tapah), there is the reflection, study (svādhyāya) and there is my devotion, sacrifice, surrender (íśvārapranidhānani).  The action of yoga (kriya yoga). 

So there i was, at my home frequency...energetically, emotionally...
and i came across this wonderful, insightful, and hopeful TED talk.  Completely "connected" (important choice of word!) with my evening experience! 

If you're interested, read my next post.  I decided to separate it in two, because a part of me sensed it might be a bit overwhelming.  So, read along to the next one--or whenever, if interested...
"Connected, but alone?" 
**link in next post!***


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oh, these creatures!

Look at this!

Oh, these creatures! They make my heart contract and expand with "ternura" (endearment).  Oh, but ternura is such a better word!  It comes with a shrinking of the face, pouting lips and a little exhalation of just pure joy and admiration. 
I love their wrinkles, their long curious trunks, those big feet and their eyelashes!

I'm a creature lover. Every creature has my most sincere respect and admiration, but these four-legged gray beings are too much!  
Beyond the "ternura" i feel when i see pictures or videos of them, I believe they are quite wonderful. 

 Here are some facts you might not know about my sweet friends, los elefantes!

*There are basically two main species of elephants-- Asian and African.  Their population today is of 450,000-700,000 (Asian) and 35,000-40,000 (African)
* They weight from 6,000-15,000 lbs. 
* They are completely vegetarian!  Grasses, leaves, bamboo, bark, roots are their basic diet.  Might eat some crops like bananas and sugar cane.  
* They reach puberty when they are around 13-15 years old.
* Can have offsprings until they are approx. 50 yrs. old.
* They live up to 70+ years.
* Their trunks are an extra sensitive organ with more than 100,000 muscle units.
* Elephants form deep family bonds and live in tight matriarchal herds of up to 100 members. The herd is lead by the oldest and largest female.  When a baby calf is born the whole herd embraces its arrival and takes care of its upbringing. 
* They are extremely intelligent and posses great memories--it is this memory that serves the matriarchal to lead the herd to watering holes during dry seasons, remembering their locations.
* Elephants are extremely emotional creatures: they show signs of grief, joy, anger and play!  They cry and laugh. When a baby complains, the whole herd rumbles, touches and caresses the small calf. 
* They carry out greeting ceremonies when an old friend returns to the group. 
* Elephants grieve the loss of a baby calf or if any member of the herd dies.  They are forever eternally faithful to their life partner. 

Isn't it beautiful? Isn't nature and its creatures unbelievably magical and magnificent? 
What ever makes us feel, act and think as though we are not part of this remarkable phenomenal system? 

Today I've been thinking about elephants, wearing my little elephant necklace. 
So, I dedicate this little space and time to my fellow elefantitos-- creatures that deserve well-being, freedom, respect and love.  


Friday, April 13, 2012

A little something...

Feeling the warmth of the sun on my toes makes me OH SO HAPPY!
And that little warmth, which then triggers my heart to feel joy permeates my whole system...lifting up my  spine, allowing my circulation spread out contentment, form a smile in my face, feel alive and ultimately share this great feeling.
Such pleasure in such simple things, eh?
That's all it takes...
wiggling my toes in the sun.
Patitas al sol.

Today i feel an urge for sharing.  Sharing to the world, to who will come across these writings, and also to myself.  Sharing much of what i've discovered, learned-still learning, admire, believe in, admire.  It might come out as a bit scattered, but the more i think of it, the less i want to attempt "structure" my thoughts, my impulses and feelings.
Ok, so it's about yoga and the yoga teachings i've been immersed in.  There is no way i can publish/translate all i've learned--its so personal! plus, it's an on going journey.  The same sanskrit words, the same mantra, the same idea/concept shifts, modifies, deepens every time!
So, at least let me set that (which is kind of obvious): YOGA.

As you read, just take the time to evaluate, take in, inquire within yourself and your surroundings what these words mean to you.  That's the beauty of it, i believe.
We are all individual unique beings, alive at a precise moment of our lives, experiencing personal circumstances, feeling, beating and vibrating our own existence.  Yet, so connected to each other and the universe.

The great teachers I study and learn from:
Krishnamacharya-- considered the "founder" of Yoga, since he began the huge journey of bringing back yoga to the world, creating access, the link to it's wonderful system. From him, his students, we know yoga today: Iyengar, Indra Devi, Pattabhi Jois, TKV Desikachar.
TKV Desikachar-- son of Krishnamacharya and longtime student, is one of the world's foremost teachers of yoga.  Founder of Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (in Chennai, India..where i plan to go!) and cofounder of Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation. His teaching follow his fathers principles which though considered traditional practices, he is a true believer of adapting to modern's life circumstances and each individuals need.

 Left: Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Above: Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar

The rest, let it speak by itself:

"Yoga approaches the individual from the inside, through the mind.  Yet each individual is not simply a mind, but a system.  Actually, each of us is a conglomeration of a vast system.  This system is more than my body, which is nourished by food.  It is more than my breath, more than my relationships, more than a faith.  Any influence upon one aspect of the system will affect every other aspect.  What we experience in Yoga is a conscious influence and change  in the overall system. We may choose to begin with the body, the breath, our food, or our relationships.  Whatever the point of beginning, we change the totality of the system.  It is impossible to overstate the possibilities of this gradual approach to well-being in our lives."

"'Who am I? From where have I come, where am i going? Why this suffering, this darkness, this confusion? What is to be done, to be left undone: what is to be said, and what left unuttered?  By what bond am i bound? Is it all by cause...or without cause?'
And with faith or doubt, hope or horror, the cycle draws each man and woman toward the finality of death, the waiting mystery.
The quest for happiness, for tranquility, transits through these fundamental conditions and questions.  All of the world's great religions and philosophies provide solace for the journeyer.  It is the gift of Yoga to create that union of body, mind and spirit capable of truly understanding and existing within the serenity offered by eternal truths..." (Pg. 83, Health, Healing and Beyond, TKV Desikachar)

Most important, according to me, 
is to provide necessary health, so that we can digest the food we eat, 
sleep well and remember what we have been taught and what we have studied-- Krishnamacharya

"We seek to understand our most intimate mystery: the human being.  How are we formed, how do we function? What is the source of our physical and mental suffering, and how are brought back to well being? What are the limits, if any, of our capabilities? What is our place in this vast universe, God's measureless creation-- and how do we assume it?
Obviously no one can offer definite answers to these questions.  But for anyone inclined toward such inquiries, we live in a most fortunate age.  We have at our disposal two different approaches to our questions: the intellectual accomplishments and extraordinary tools of modern science, coexisting with a  legacy of thousands of years of human experience and it's divinely inspired, hard-won wisdom.  In short, we have two broadly conceived ways of observing the human being...they are not mutually exclusive, as increasing numbers of open-minded health practitioners of each approach are coming to recognize." (Pg. 101, Health Healing and Beyond, TKV Desikachar)

"Our lives are almost entirely governed by our actions and their consequences. As the Yoga Sutra state, any action can reveal its results immediately or in the course of time; those results can be good or bad, and they are part of a continuous process-- one action influencing another ad infinitum.  Dhyana is the quiet meditation, the reflection we bring to the consideration of action. 
One example is the so-called "worst case scenario".  We reach a firm decision about something we are to do, but before acting we reflect upon the possible negative effects.  Whether we leave our decision unaltered or changed in some fashion, the reflection (Dhyana) helps bring clarity of mind and precision of action." (Pg. 111, Health Healing and Beyond, TKV Desikachar)  

"It is within our capacity to be the healthiest humans who have ever lived on this planet. TKV Desikachar

"Illness is an obstacle on the road to spiritual enlightenment. 
That is why you have to do something about it."  Krishnamacharya

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः

(om shanti shanti shanti)
(om peace peace peace)


Thursday, April 12, 2012


Una lección de generosidad, amistad y amor.  
A lesson on generosity, friendship and love.

An anthropologist suggested the following game to a group of children in a tribe in Africa: He placed a basket full of fresh fruits under a tree.  He then said that whoever reached the basket first in a race would be the winner of all the fruits. 
As he gave the signal to begin the race, the whole group held hands, ran bonded together and then sat and enjoyed the prize together.
When he asked why they had done such thing, when he had offered the possibility to one to be the ultimate winner.  
They replied: " UBUNTU"-- how could one of us be happy (feel happiness) while the rest are in despair, unhappy?
UBUNTU in the Xhosa culture means: "I am, because we are."

Un antropólogo propuso un juego a los niños de una tribu africana. Puso una canasta llena de frutas cerca de un árbol y le dijo a los niños que aquel que llegara primero ganaría todas las frutas. 
Cuando dio la señal para que corrieran, todos los niños se tomaron de las manos y corrieron juntos, después se sentaron juntos a disfrutar del premio.
Cuando él les preguntó por qué habían corrido así, si uno solo podía ganar todas las frutas, le respondieron: UBUNTU-- ¿cómo uno de nosotros podría estar feliz si todos los demás están tristes?
UBUNTU, en la cultura Xhosa significa: "Yo soy porque nosotros somos."

Children are so wise.  
We have much to learn from them.
Connection to each other and the world we live on.

I've had the privilege of working with children recently, and it is jaw-opening how much there is to observe, learn and understand through them.  Yes, we are all creatures with struggles and not everything is a garden of roses when dealing with children--i should probably throw out the word "challenge" out there, and definitely "patience".  Nonetheless, the point is that we are all hearts bonded together.  Just like this tribe in Africa, it is a matter of perceiving our connection, our existence.  

I have been connecting with my heart vibration a lot lately.  Some might call it "waking up the senses", others just "being emotional".  I like to call it being aware and living in a "heart field".  It is being more sensitive--for things have a definite deeper impact on me-- not only emotionally but as a whole.  I feel, I think, I am moved/shaken.  It is pretty much what i believe to simply be alive.  
I honor and respect this new shift.  I mean, honestly, I'm enjoying it, loving it! 
Respect being the key word here.  I acknowledge my being, i respect it and will defend it with my nails and teeth.  
I've also noticed that i've built this space within me that allows me evaluate situations, emotions, observances that come my way.  I'm learning to give myself that space for assessment, as opposed to snapping and mechanically reacting out of habit or without measuring consequences.  
My actions matter.  
Everyone's actions matter.  
I've said that so much already, i must sound like a old record on repeat.  "Disco pegado"  "Chiste repetido".  
I won't get tired of saying though, I believe it: all our actions matter.  That is karma: action-reaction. 

So yeah...heart field.  In this heart field I have had the pleasure and wonderful insight of experiencing the belonging to this world of hearts.  We all own beautiful beating hearts.  We are all in this spacious, ravishing, charming, magical, graceful, enchanting, exquisite field of hearts.  Creatures around you are beating, the chair you are sitting in is beating, the clouds in the sky are beating, your friends (near and far) are beating, your children, your brothers & sisters, a soldier that is far away from home is beating, the trees are beatings, the earth is beating.  
Feel the enormity of the web of hearts and how these heart-lines are joining us all in this heart field.  We are all home in this heart field.  
Feeling this...doesn't it want you to be a better person?  Be part of the beautiful interaction of giving and receiving heartbeats, allowing your & everyone else's heart grow and grow? 

Binding hands, running as one and enjoy, share the fruits together.
UBUNTU: " I am, because we are"
                   " Yo soy, porque nosotros somos"


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mi Casa, Tu Casa

Ring ring goes my phone as i'm preparing my breakfast today.
Benjamín is calling. 
The best surprise ever. 

Benjamín being my little brother (not so little anymore) whom i adore and admire with every living fiber of my body. This is a 23 year old male so sensitive, so knowledgeable, warm-hearted, generous.  I repeat myself--but it's worth repeating: his sensitivity blows my mind every time i speak to him.  

Our special, sincere and bond traces back to when he would come into my room (at that time shared room with my beloved sister) in the middle of the night, wearing his pajamas that had a print of moon and stars, stand next to my bed and gently say: "tengo susto" (i'm scared).  We would then sleep together, even if it meant we were crunched up and sweaty.  
Then were the days when we would play together.  Play, play, play and play.  This involved playing with water guns, pretending we were gymnasts--professional gymnasts, for it included raising our arms and saluting the imaginary crowd/judges-- and of course soccer.  I was the goalie (usually) and he would just shoot with great skill.  I must make a note: i was not bad myself. 
What about the day of Christmas Eve, when we were forced to take a nap, but instead just watched The Flintstones and the Spanish. 
Or when it was Easter and I would hide his eggs, giving him clues where to find them.  

This is all just a little glimpse of where our friendship and partnership began.  And i say that because just because he is my brother does not necessarily mean we should hold such relationship.  
In fact, i think I'm blessed with the family that i have: my parents are outstanding, my sister is indescribably amazing.  

So, ring ring goes my phone.  
I answer. 
And BAM! we just talk for almost an hour.  Catching up, quotidian kinda talk and then comes the sharing of our souls.  What do we believe in, where we are, where we want to go, who we are.  
He understands me, he respects me, he encourages me.  He makes me want to be a better person.  
He makes me feel love. 

He tells me about this documentary film I should watch: Home.

And i will. It's on it's way from Netflix.

Now it's the afternoon.  The hours have passed and I sit and think about...stuff.  
What did the conversation make me think? What did it make me feel? How do i feel? What do i think? 
So i sit down and write:

T.K.V Desikachar (yoga teacher, son of Krishnamacharya) says:
"change within ourselves and those we influence depends upon both our own state of development and the recipient's" 

Simple and true. 
I talk about change, because it was the main theme of my conversation with Benja.  Change for something new and better.  Very yogic. 
Change in the world.  
Ingredients: open to awareness, mindful attitudes towards yourself and the environment, actions that respond in accordance to your beliefs. (at least a tablespoon of each)
Procedure: Now, do not get trapped in frustration, injustice and negativity; turn that energy around and practice kindness, gratitude and the act of creation.  Just whisk it around.
It is easy--and i have recognized it in myself-- falling into the sensation of anxiety, feeling overwhelmed with achieving great results.  Or maybe hearing a desperate cry from within:
"how will I, little me, ever make a difference?!"
"it would take too much! Where to begin? How to begin?"
The answer, i have found, has come to me in one word: home. 
Home is your body, home is your mind, home is your soul/spirit.
Cultivate, listen, nurture, own your home. 
That will lead to a shift in your vibration, frequency and energy.
That will then translate in your attitudes, behaviors.
And out of the oven come the actions!  Little, perhaps you might think, but honestly HUGE. 

I kid around with this whole "recipe" thing, but i speak of truth and in a humble manner.  There is no precise recipe, and the journey is very personal and unique.  However, your existence is universal--which means we are all in this together. 
Your home is my home.
My home is your home.
Tu casa es mi casa.
Mi casa es tu casa. 
