Friday, October 19, 2012

Wagner Mujica Ashram

Good morrow!  The sun is shining...somewhere up above this white cloud mattress.  The sky is always blue and clear and the sun is always there.  It just happens that today the rays are not winning the battle.  The battle, not the war. 

Another morning in my Ashram.  That is what i've decided to call the physical, emotional, spiritual state of being.  Because it IS emotional and spiritual.  It somewhat always is: when we find ourselves somewhere, we are not only physically there--there is mind, emotion and spirit.  Whether it's the beach, in a classroom, in an office, at home, on the subway or a high end bar. 

Traditionally, an ashram (Sanskrit/Hindi: आश्रम्) is a spiritual hermitage. (YES!) Additionally, today the term ashram often denotes a locus of Indian cultural activity such as yoga, music study or religious instruction, the moral equivalent of a studio or dojo. (Been doing all of the above-- my study has been a bit more global: today, it's Wagner for example)
An ashram would typically, but not always, be located far from human habitation, (umm..not so much) in forests or mountainous regions, amidst refreshing natural surroundings conducive to spiritual instruction and meditation.(I can see usually see the Andes from my window- does that count?, but oh how i yearn for forests!) The residents of an ashram regularly performed spiritual and physical exercises,(the latter, not so much) such as the various forms of Yoga. (Yoga is part of my life) Other sacrifices and penances, such as Yajnas were also performed. (Sacrifice, yes...beautiful sacrifice) Many ashrams also served as Gurukuls or residential schools for children. (The residential school of Life...and French!)
Ashrams have been a powerful symbol throughout Hindu history and theology. Most Hindu kings, until the Middle Ages, are known to have had a sage who would advise the royal family in spiritual matters, or in times of crisis, who was called the rajguru, which literally translates to royal teacher.  (i DO have my royal teachers, although not quite an empress) A world-weary emperor going to this guru's ashram, and finding solace and tranquility, is a recurring motif in many folktales and legends of ancient India.
So my own little Ashram it is.  Yesterday was another important day.  It was nerve-wrecking, difficult, challenging, scary and yet beautiful.  The feeling of vulnerability, the terrain of honesty and new.  The light is shining, guiding my way, I just need to trust it and surrender.  Day by day I go.
Day by day I wake and struggle, for the struggle has not subsided.
Sometimes, mostly, incomprehensible, not understood. 
Until the struggle is gone, succumbed by love and life. 

Inspired by the genius mind, the mastery of Wagner--each chord, each beat pulling me up.  
Music, an expression of human soul: tension, conflicts, romance, flow, give and take, crisis, love, climax, fire, love, resolution--be what it may be. 

Another master of human soul: Mujica.  Uruguay, oh Uruguay, you have a wise mind behind/in front and all around you.  
Your clarity shall inspire us all, shall defend us all from the overpowering hands of greed and false richness. 
Just like i pray each morning to the sun, to bathe with it's shining rays of light, i admire you and open up to your brightness. 




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