Sunday, November 4, 2012


The signs of the Universe. 
I believe in them.  Or better I should say i believe in the order of things.  Because there is always some order.  Sometimes not apparent, sometimes not necessarily logical (at the moment), sometimes hurtful and sometimes so deliciously appropriate. When that happens--the "appropriate"-- the feeling of clarity, ease and overpowering energy hits you, making it all come together. 
Like Tetris, when you are placing those ridiculously shaped figures side by side, on top of each other..and then...there it comes! the perfect piece and BAM! you get rid of 5 rows in a second.  

Wow, how profound is Tetris? You observe, you perceive--keep your eyes open!-- let's cease the fluctuations of the mind, lets stay focused, aware and "on it". 
Juggling little pieces, still "driving the car": where shall i place it? How? Mistakes are made, we see ourselves pressed with time...then the right piece comes our way--can we see it? And boom! it fits just right: 5 rows, weight off!

Tetris is just an example, there are thousands of examples. In fact, most of our activities are an example of life (sports, hobbies, rituals included).  So what does it all boil down to? 
Play with eyes incredibly open.  Play with consciousness, play with effort, play receiving and giving. The player is essential, as are the rest of players, AND where the game is taking place. 
Play.  Not the same as compete. 
Play. Not the same as win...or lose.
Play. Not the same as cheat. 
Just play. 
                         (Hmmm...the role of theatre and play.  Something to ponder on)

I also think of yoga.  Again--as always.  Where does it all begin? 
Where does the practice (what I'm calling "play") begin? 
The 5 YAMAS (relationship with the environment/others).  
ahimsa: non-violence/consideration of others. Not necessarily meaning plain kindness.
satya: truth, communication, appropriateness.
asteya: not stealing
brahmacarya: moderation, balance.
aparigrahah: non-grasping, non-greediness.

Don't these sound like rules to a game? A beautiful game.  

How does the player play? 
Aha! Yoga: 
The 5 NIYAMAS (relationship with yourself)
sáuca: cleanliness
samtosa: contentment--appreciation of where you are, what you have. Forget "greener on other side"
tapah: effort, action, purification.
svadhyaya: study, self-study, reflection, inquiry.
isvarapranidhanani: offering, surrender, light and sacrifice. 

I find it spectacular.  I find it so lucid, so healthy and magnificent. This is what i believe in, this is what wakes me up every morning.  These supreme principles that transcend it all.
They dance and swirl and rise beyond everything. 
Beyond what might rob us our sleep, rob us from our dreams.  
Exceeding the "measuring this, measuring that", win or lose. 
Up and above expectations and judgement. 

I need reminder, we all do.  
I feel taken by the currents of what is moving the world today. I can see it, I fall into it, I struggle with it, give in...then come afloat-- but it's coming clearer and clearer: competition, pushing, violence, steering towards greater and bigger.  
Than what? To what? I ask. 

I need reminder.  That is what i wake up to every morning. 
Remembering, remembering. 

No shame, no more. 


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