Hands touch,
Eyes see,
Lips kiss,
Tongues taste.
How can it be?
How can it be that when I'm with you,
when I breathe your same breath,
join your touch,
match your pulse,
I'm left with no memory.
I touch you and wish to remember every stroke, every texture of your skin.
I kiss you and long to hold on to the feeling of your lips, your tongue (when you kiss me so sweet or so strong).
I hear you and yearn to retain that precise pitch of your voice.
I see you, look at your face, and promise this exact moment will never leave my side.
I'm full,
I'm me,
I'm you,
You're me.
I'm whole.
I'm gone.
I'm lost and left unafraid.
I'm out but still so in.
Nights with stars,
Nights with moon,
Pitch black nights.
"Come night,
Come black-brow'd night,
Come cloudy gentle night,
Come love-performing night"
You play,
I listen.
You speak,
I listen.
I watch.
I breathe.
I listen,
"Come closer,
Come see me,
Come smell me,
Come have me"
The wings of night lifts us,
suspends us in the air.
The breeze of night transfix us,
with the scent of skin,
the scent of us.
The time of night mystifies us,
leaving us astray.
With so much, but not so much.
Electric shocks run deep inside me.
Breath shortens,
The air thickens,
Chest opens,
I'm gonna fall,
I'm coming down,
Here I come,
I'm falling,
Catch me!
I'm caught.
How can it be?
We speak of truths for they have been given names,
yet there is no truth that ever spoke of this.
Or better yet, no words have spoken of this truth.
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