We are satellites.
We travel around an undefined everlasting Truth.
We glow...full, waning, waxing, new.
We are like the moon.
Our orbit takes us to many places.
I sometimes think we all have some predetermined orbit to travel.
Life has granted me moments of complete wisdom and logic.
I've thought: "of course that had to happen"...and now I think:
"It was meant for us to meet...right here, right now".
You said today that flowers reminded you of me.
I say stars remind me of you.
Actually stars and trees.
I've looked at the dark sky of night and gazed at the stars thinking of their fire.
Beautiful fire.
Strong fire.
I've also walked through parks and stopped to look at trees,
the strength of their roots, their eternal mission to reach the sky, maybe touch the clouds.
I see trees and I think of their veins sucking water, their circulatory system working strongly defeating gravity, taking every last drop to its very last tall leaf.
Trees are strong and wise.
You remind me of stars and trees.
We came together.
You tree
Me flower
Us star.
I believe in your love.
I believe in your goodness.
I believe in your strength.
Trust me in my love.
Trust me in my goodness.
Trust my strength.
It is night now, I look outside and see the stars.
The sky is big, vast, full,
So full of potential.
I give in to night and dreams.
I fade under the stars, thinking of your arms around me.
Your skin with mine.
Our breath as one.