Thursday, October 5, 2017

I feel

My heart beats, 
I feel. 
My heart beats,
I tremble.
My heart beats,
I am one with you.

 I never thought possible I'd have wings.
I never thought possible I'd grow strong.
I never thought possible I'd choose...
And be chosen. 
I never thought possible you'd pick me up and we'd fly.

I knew it with our first kiss,
I knew it as I breathed the smell of your neck.

We cut ourselves too short of our possibilities. 
I once was afraid to laugh.
I once was afraid to love.

A new heart print. 

The moment came.
The air whispered it to me.
The sun rose from behind the mountains,
Black to green.
Yellow bathed the world with flowers and smiles.
Dark waters turned crystal clear.
What was once steel now became my soft skin.

The moment came and there were colors.
The moment came and I saw you.
You were under the same sky,
You were there.
I was there.

You were there.
Everything was spirit,
Everything was light. 
I saw you.
You were there.
I see you.
You are here.

Rise to spiritual consciousness.
Everything is spirit.
Everything is light.