Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It has been delightful to come back home, and reconnect with one of the most beautiful beings I know: my brother. He is my brother beyond our actual family, blood-related bondage, beyond sharing the same parents & beyond our growing up together under the same household. He holds a special place in my heart because of the human being he is, has become, and that i can experience him becoming. 
I love him.
I respect him.
I admire him.

 I've discovered through self-inquiry, and confirmed through exploration and the practice of mindfulness how ultimately we are stardust, energy.  Yes, we possess a physical body, we are living amongst a physical realm of reality, yet it is all ultimately energy-- with mutating vibrations and frequencies.  More and more I can feel that, I comprehend it so, and marvel at this common origin of us all, of the universe. 
I am planet, I am star, I am moon, I am earth, I am water, I am air, I am the trees, I am the animals, I am my surrounding within and beyond my perceiving senses, I am all...we are all.
That is connection.  The vibrations of the North, South, East and West affect me, for I am a part of it all.  

*this takes me to Eve Ensler's powerful speech on how her body is a microcosmos of the world's manifestations: from natural disasters, cries of abuse, violence, torture, laughters of joy, expressions of love and kindness.* 

It is a symphony of energy flow, what a beautiful prospect to think about it: how my intentions, attitudes and actions resonate within me and all around me.
Selfless power to influence you, tune in with you and soar with you to higher grounds! 

On a gloomy day I know the sun is shining above the clouds, I connect my vibrations with its fire, I am part of the sun, and I can glow. 

My heart can link to your pain, and together we can energize to the land of contentment.  The element of connection exists. 

 This flow of consciousness leads me back to my brother. My time together with him has been living proof of a deep energetic connection. There is an exchange of ideas, words, feelings...but even more. Much more. There are times when I feel part of his stardust, I can feel, empathize with/share his heartbeat and heart-center.  He makes me happy, makes me stronger. He is my brother...and I feel so fortunate to have him near me today.
I love you.
I respect you. 
I admire you.


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