Saturday, July 14, 2012


Whitish sun lighting up the city.  The same sun that lights up all kinds of corners of the world—with different intensity, illuminating a myriad of shades and colors, a variety of skies.
Today I’m honoring peace.
Peace. Tranquility. Calmness. Restfulness. Quietness. Ease.
Even sometimes associated and defined as Order, Lawfulness, Harmony.

What would this world be without peace?
What would life be without it?
Could such thing even occur?

These are big questions, yes.  But lets indulge in them for a while.
Life, I personally believe, goes hand in hand with creation.  With a miraculous act of love, willingness and (I like to call it) fire, passion. Something withholds a particular desire to manifest itself, a reason to be, a dharma.  All conditions, external and internal, work together, collaborate to allow this divine happening.
It’s full participation, it’s fraternity, piece by piece, synching together to create.

Peace plays an important role.  How could any of this occur without it? Everything, everyone is here thanks to peace.  Peace, harmony is what binds us together, the knitting.  Our organs work in peace to make our blood run through our veins, let air fill our lungs, allow our hearts to pump, our eyelids to blink, our senses to perceive and our beings to feel.

I believe in opposition.  I acknowledge the existence of contrasting forces, two sides to a coin.  We know about life because we know there is death.  We know about harmony because there is dissonance. We know about love because we know about hate, enmity. 
We know about peace because we know about hostility. 

Today I call upon all…I call upon all creatures, silently, sincerely, energetically, to tune in to peace.  Whatever, however it resonates to your heart: whichever image, color, shape, form, and most importantly feeling it manifests to you.   

I want to dedicate today, consciously to the beautiful concept of svādhyāya: self-reflection, exploration, inquiry, awareness of/to our actions.  What we do, how we relate to each other, how we treat our surroundings, our feelings, our intentions.
It’s a difficult task, uncomfortable, but a marvelous exercise, challenge.
A little confession: it comes and goes, it’s not easy, I struggle…but we can all struggle together. 
It’s not about judging, remember, it’s about peace.

I honor you today.
I honor peace.
Today, lets begin with today.
Shanti, shanti, shantih.
(peace, peace, peace)

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