Thursday, April 11, 2019

Satellite of Mine

We are satellites.
We travel around an undefined everlasting Truth.
We glow...full, waning, waxing, new.
We are like the moon.

Our orbit takes us to many places.
I sometimes think we all have some predetermined orbit to travel.
Life has granted me moments of complete wisdom and logic.
I've thought: "of course that had to happen"...and now I think:
"It was meant for us to meet...right here, right now".

You said today that flowers reminded you of me.
I say stars remind me of you.
Actually stars and trees.
I've looked at the dark sky of night and gazed at the stars thinking of their fire.
Beautiful fire.
Strong fire.
I've also walked through parks and stopped to look at trees,
the strength of their roots, their eternal mission to reach the sky, maybe touch the clouds.
I see trees and I think of their veins sucking water, their circulatory system working strongly defeating gravity, taking every last drop to its very last tall leaf.
Trees are strong and wise.
You remind me of stars and trees.

We came together.
You tree
Me flower
Us star.
I believe in your love.
I believe in your goodness.
I believe in your strength.
Trust me in my love.
Trust me in my goodness.
Trust my strength.

It is night now, I look outside and see the stars.
The sky is big, vast, full,
So full of potential.
I give in to night and dreams.
I fade under the stars, thinking of your arms around me.
Your skin with mine.
Our breath as one.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


The word that for century has brought corruption.
Of the soul,
Of the heart,
Of a country and its people. 

I grew up listening the dangers of power,
the greatness of submission. 
I was the eye of the hurricane of words that spoke the importance of considering other. 
I silenced my voice of needs and wants. 
I bowed my head to the pleasure of others. 
Of what was right, for others.
Not for me. 

Their truths.
Not mine. 

I choked,
My stomach growled,
I numbed the pulsations of my heart. 

We embody the dictations of others. 
We follow paths, 
we mimic movements, 
Repeat words,
Vibrate and feel what has been taught to us. 

But there came a day when the wheel stopped. 
Hit too large of a rock to keep spinning.

The POWER of just being...
The STRENGTH to own a desire. 
Hear it.
Voice it. 

Power is not about politics,
Power is not about abuse,
Power is about justice. 

Be fair.
Honor your truth,
Not theirs. 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Be Alive

What is it I see?
Flowers are made of glass,
and the sun is a lightbulb.
Human, being of the earth, water, wind, and light.

I'm jealous of the trees,
that dance with the breeze,
and aim for the sky.

I'm jealous of the earth,
the grass,
for being the skin of the tears of the clouds.

I'm jealous of the lakes, rivers, oceans,
for their playful spirit to travel,
breath, flow, travel, laugh, and roar.

I'm jealous of the birds,
all of them,
for their freedom.
And the creatures that know where they come from.
Creatures that sleep with the moon and rise with the sun.
Beings that love full-heartedly, fear nothing.
Beings that are being.

Wake up.

And now comes January...

Ashes to soul,
Black to sapphire,
Buds to flowers,
Whispers to singing voices. 

A new beginning. 

Thunder in the sky,
Not a storm, but fireworks.
Explosives burning the air, 
Burning all that is stale, all that is stuck,
All that needs burning. 

Laughter, hands, arms, chest.
Smiles, lips, kisses.
May I? 

Eyes close tight, 
breathe, body...breathe.
Eyes open,

Once it was uncertain, 
the path, 
where it would end. 
Once it was all about trusting,
every step...
Step, step, step.
Just keep walking. 

Once there wasn't much -- you'd think. 
Then the once became alright,
So right. 
And then came September. 

Don't forget September.

And now comes January...
What do you offer January?

So blue, 
Sky, so blue.
So warm,
Sun, so warm.
A silly cloud travels in the sky,
What are you looking for?
Where are you going?

Lonesome cloud, you are alright.
So right. 
You are not alone, as everyone thinks. 
Stay with me, 
And we'll breathe. 

Oh, January...
What do you offer January?

Thursday, October 5, 2017

I feel

My heart beats, 
I feel. 
My heart beats,
I tremble.
My heart beats,
I am one with you.

 I never thought possible I'd have wings.
I never thought possible I'd grow strong.
I never thought possible I'd choose...
And be chosen. 
I never thought possible you'd pick me up and we'd fly.

I knew it with our first kiss,
I knew it as I breathed the smell of your neck.

We cut ourselves too short of our possibilities. 
I once was afraid to laugh.
I once was afraid to love.

A new heart print. 

The moment came.
The air whispered it to me.
The sun rose from behind the mountains,
Black to green.
Yellow bathed the world with flowers and smiles.
Dark waters turned crystal clear.
What was once steel now became my soft skin.

The moment came and there were colors.
The moment came and I saw you.
You were under the same sky,
You were there.
I was there.

You were there.
Everything was spirit,
Everything was light. 
I saw you.
You were there.
I see you.
You are here.

Rise to spiritual consciousness.
Everything is spirit.
Everything is light. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Bones, muscles, nerves, skin.
The involuntary actions of a beating heart and the expansion/contraction of our lungs.
A machine at its best.
Being alive.

What about the intangible element of feeling and spirit?
Recalling a memory and then your mouth curls up to smile, your heart races up, your temperature rises, and you feel light as a feather.
Looking into someone's eyes and feel locked, transfixed--lost and found-- and feel a greater you.
Hearing someone's voice and witness an overpowering sensation of calm, peace, safety.
Touching someone's chest and your lungs expand to the absolute maximum, the feeling of admiration is so encompassing that you know you are experiencing love.
True love.
Liberating love.

There is so much in the territory of the unknown:
Some call it energy,
Others call it soul.

The divinity of life,
Where mystery meets the known,
Faith in that golden connection that makes us feel alive.
Not be alive, but FEEL alive.
It's light.
It's the highest power of existence.
It's where body and spirit become one flowing river--

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Nobody knows...

Blood became a heartbeat,
A heartbeat became a life.
The life designed by who knows who,
who knows what.

A life of smiles, tears,
laughter and cries.
A life of yearns,
a life of sorrows and love.

The road is undefined.
There is no road, really.
It does not take us forward or backwards or sideways:
It's just blood, heartbeat, breath, life.

The flower in me is dancing to the sun:
I close my eyes to the rays that bathe my face,
I smile as I twirl and feel the tender heat on the back of my neck.
I bow.

The wolf in me is quiet and alone:
My gaze is transfixed with the movement of a tree laughing at the breeze.
I question, I wonder, I think, I do not move.

The bird in me is dreaming with the sky:
My wings are strong, my feathers susceptible to the wind.
I dream of different shores, of finding one that's mine...only mine.

The lion in me throbs and thumps with my (yes, my) fire:
I will not settle, I think.
The truth is...I can't.

Blood became my heartbeat,
That heartbeat became my life.

Nobody knows...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


It's been a lifetime since I've felt my body,
felt the joy,
felt the lightness in my feet -- to jump, to run, to dance.

I want to swing my head around,
sway my hair to the winds -- of the coasts, of the mountains, of the woods.
Dig my feet in the mud, the ice, the sand, and the water.
I want to raise my arms and offer my chest to the sky.
I want to sing to all rhythms, to all words ever written.
I want to kiss with the sweetness of an orange,
Peel my clothes off as if they were petals of a rose.
I want to feel the warmth of your skin with every angle of my body,
As if our bodies were dancers of a gentle breeze.
I want our hearts to beat to one pulse as we move on close, deeper.
Sweat so sweet and salty,
become blind with our colors.

Time is so mysterious.
We measure it as if we knew the answer as to how it works.
We count seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, and so if it gave us meaning.
Minutes can last a year,
A year can last a few days,
Yesterday was a lifetime ago,
and today means a decade.

Life can swallow you up,
make you into a ball and throw you off-field.
Life can slap you,
can kiss you,
can pamper you,
can shake you.

Life brought us together,
Time allowed me to see you.
Life swallowed me up when I looked into your eyes.
Two souls crushed by wickedness, corruption, and perversion.
Two souls healing,
Wanting truth.
Discovery, growth.
Mind blowing mystery - a question, an answer, an answer, a question.

I face myself (my fears, my troubles, my hurting) through you,
I challenge myself with you,
I learn and yearn to be better for you, with you.
Who are you?
A strong heart, a powerful heart, a compelling heart,
that leaves me breathless, yet makes me scream?
The smile of goodness, the hand of kindness, the will of truth,
that drives me to joy, to unknown lands of safety and honesty?

Who are you?
You are.


The light.
Light allowing us to see what needs to be seen.
Light that shines on what is many times hidden-- mostly by ourselves.
Light on our feet that carry us day by day, step by step, to unknown lands.
No land is the same.
No day or night is equal to the previous one.
Shine a light on that.
Light it up.

A river.
Flows incessantly, driving liters of water down the stream.
Liquid life that touches and licks stones, dirt, grass, and even carries fishes perhaps.
You blink,
That river is gone.
A river never stops.
A river will not rewind.
A river will follow its course.

An empty stage.
The world.
A breath, a body, a word.
Light and you're seen.
Your the player, the actor, you lead the role.

Life and light.
The light is yours to find,
yours to live,
yours to honor.

Light on love,
Light on life.
It can only get deeper,